Monday, February 1, 2021

On Coping...

That whole "On..." thing that I introduced in a previous blog posting worked so well for me I think I'll do it again.  But this time it's...

"On Coping..."

BTW, I knew Ralph Waldo Thoreau didn't write "On Golden Pond."  It was actually Bill Shakespeare.  I was just kidding.  A joke, kind of.  But you probably knew that...  

Anyway, several of my friends have confided in me recently that they're having trouble coping with the events of the past few weeks.  What with an election that didn't turn out the way they'd hoped and all, and a pandemic that's dramatically altered their lives, and elected politicians who are demonstrating daily that they have no friggin' idea what in God's name they're doing, these folks are not happy.  And on top of that this old geezer in the White House is governing by Executive Orders, written by who knows whom, killing jobs wholesale and inventing new ways to ruin our plebian lives.  

So I, like so many of you, have witnessed these events with displeasure.  The mere act of watching the news now causes me physical pain.  We're talking major migraines here!  And so I've decided, out of pure self-defense, to alter my TV viewing habits.  I have decided to no longer watch wall-to-wall news on TV.  I no longer flip between cable news channels feverishly to find out what they're reporting, and the particular "spin" they're putting on stories.  I no longer obsess over issues and problems and events like I used to.  

In short, I've decided to become an "average American."  One of the 80% of our adults who get their news from Yahoo or Google.  Sadly.

The "average American" doesn't watch wall-to-wall cable news and doesn't obsess over each and every issue and event and occurrence.  For them, not knowing is bliss; no news is good news, in other words.  They proved it in the last election.  And I think they're on to something.  So for me, from now on, or at least until adults resume control over the White House and the doings in D.C., I'm focusing intently on these new interests:

1.     UFO's:  We know they're real because 9 months after that famous July, 1947 crash in Rockwell, New Mexico, both Hil(liar)y and Algore were born.  

2.     Bigfoot:  Those cryptids known affectionally as "Bigfoot," which is a pejorative, are much smarter than humans.  They must be because they've been avoiding humans for centuries.  And avoiding humans is a trait that more humans should also adopt.    

3.     Ancient Aliens:  I've been trying to figure out how ancient Egyptians somehow transported 20-ton blocks of sandstone 40 miles, without the wheel, and then somehow hoisted them up 400 feet in the air and fitted them into place in one of those pyramid thingies, perfectly, without bronze tools or draught animals or unions...   

4.     The Knights' Templar:  Some 700 years ago the Knights' Templar folks were run out of Europe by France's King Phillip (his friends called him "Phil"), with prejudice, and they likely took their treasure with them to Oak Island, where they started a TV show, which we get to watch every Tuesday on the History Channel.  

If you have any suggestions for other areas of interest I might pursue, please let me know.  I'll be forever in your debt...

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