Thursday, February 11, 2021

Hey! I've Got A Question!

As an informed American, I've been waiting with baited breath (just a saying there, folks) for somebody, somewhere to ask a question.  A key question.  A question for which the answer could be costly.  For school districts everywhere.  Explanation?  Sure...

I think I recall that we pay for our schools out of our property taxes.  Taxes which the counties, or cities in some cases, religiously collect from us.  Forever.  So long as we own a piece of dirt.  And a major part of those property taxes are levied to pay for our schools.  "Major" as in 80% or 90%.  "Major," as in upward of $10,000 a year in cities like New York, and San Franpoopco, and Seattle, and Chicago, and, and, and.  Cities that have run up huge debts over the years which only gouging the property owners with enormous taxes can cover.  

That's why they've bitched so much about Trump's 2018 Tax Plan.  It disallowed all deductions over $10k for sales and property taxes (look for O'Biden to change that post-haste).  Our elementaries, our middles, and our highs.  All of them.  The buildings themselves are built and maintained from our taxes.  The teachers and assistants and janitors and the little old ladies in the cafeteria.  All paid for by our taxes.  And the administrators to oversee all of this rampant bureaucracy are also paid.  Dearly.  By our property taxes.  So long as they're public schools, open to the public, which our kids simply MUST attend, or we parent will be frog-marched by the local sheriff to the hoosegow, they're paid for by our property taxes.  

But you may have noticed something.  Most of our schools are now closed.  In fact, the vast majority of the schools in our biggest and bluest cities, where 75% of our population lives...are closed.  It seems the teachers unions in those cities are afraid to teach our kids so long as a single Coronavirus virus could be found anywhere in America.  Even though they are presumably aware that the odds against contracting the virus for adults is just a tad less than one in 1,000, and succumbing to that ailment is not quite one in 1,000, which, by the way, is much lower than the common flu, they will not go back to work.  Even though $140 Billion Dollars was already puked forth by us taxpayers last year to modify and rebuild and polish and tweak our schools to make them safe, for unions, they're still unsafe.  For unions.  And they won't be safe for these big-city union folks, in my opinion, until lounging in your bathrobe, at home, at full pay and benefits, sucking on a Red Bull, like many of them have come to enjoy, can somehow be made socially unacceptable.  

But in the meantime, our taxpayers are paying for something they are not getting.  Some of them are even forced to secure private schooling in order to continue with their work.  At a huge expense.  Somebody is going to sue.  And that somebody is going to win.  And them a whole class action of folks from around America will join in the suit and a thousand school districts will be forced to pay out $Billions.  To taxpayers.  Ummmmm, from, presumably, increased taxes upon those same...taxpayers.  To pay the...taxpayers...

You see just how crazy this whole thing is?

The good news I guess would be that just before America declares bankruptcy from all of this, O'Biden's America will step in and bail out all the school districts.  For a few $Trillion.  On top of the nearly $30 Trillion Dollars that we already owe.  When do we then become Venezuela and start eating our zoo animals?  That, my friends, is the $64 Trillion Dollar Question...

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