Sunday, February 28, 2021

Biden's 2016 Speech

I watched President Joe Biden sit at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office a couple of weeks back, all prepared to sign yet another tranche of Executive Orders.  I think he's up to about 62 of them by now.  He pulled a pen from his inside jacket pocket, fumbled around a bit, lost in the moment, looked to "Dr." Jill for help, finding none he seemed to give up, and put his pen back in...a different jacket pocket.  Cameras rolling.  Pregnant silence.  Time passed.  Various coughs and mumbles among those in attendance.  You could hear people breathing.  Only to then see Joe pick up a pen from a box of them after being prompted by his seeming co-president Dr. Jill, and a stack of 5" x 7" crib notes somebody had written for him to read.  He picked one up, stared at it for a moment, described to the camera what he was about to sign, as he signed it.  As if it was just as much a surprise to him as it was to all of us.  Because it likely was...

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Many of us have been sounding the alarm about Joe Biden's cognitive competency for more than a year now.  Many of us, myself included, have been doing our level best to warn those around us that their vote last November against their own economic interests just might elect a guy who's lost his fast ball.  Assuming he ever had one.  

Our warnings fell on deaf ears... 

Those of us, myself included, have been warning that Joe is nothing but an avatar, created by those with nefarious intent, to be the empty suit into which they intend to pour socialistic laws, rules, regulations and policies.  We're already seeing many of them, unfortunately.  He is, in my humble, aged opinion, Jerry Mahoney to somebody else's Paul Winchell.  And if you don't recognize those names, look them up.  Google them, and weep.

And while you're Googling, Google Joe Biden's 2016 Democrat Convention nominating speech.  Just Google something like...  "biden 2016 speech."  Just click on it.  Spend a couple of minutes listening.  Or even just a minute.  30 seconds, even.  That's all you'll need.  You'll see much of the Old Joe Biden, speaking forcefully and crisply, eyes wide open, gesticulating masterfully, calling successfully upon more than 40 years of Democrat speechifying, spewing empty calories of political pabulum to any who might listen.   

You've heard the old poker term, "Read'em and weep?"  Well, this is "See'it and weep."  

This is not a question of, "What have they done with the old Joe?"  No, this is simply good ol' Joe, suffering from the ravages of age, with "Early-Onset Dementia" (look it up) clouding his mental acuity.  And now Good ol' Joe, voted President of these here United States, having to read a cue card in order to know what he's been told to sign.  Good ol' Joe, going where he's told, saying what he's told to say, signing what's put in front of him, being led around on a leash by "Dr." Jill.  And then presumably to be parked away in the corner until they need to trot him out for his next heavily scripted appearance.

By whom?  One can only guess.  But I'm afraid we'll soon find out.  For those who chose to vote for, even after numerous warnings, including some closer to me than I'd like, Google up some Joe.  

If you have the courage...

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