Sunday, February 7, 2021

Army Intelligence

My Army intelligence training (you'll forgive the oxymoron) taught me that things won't necessarily get better all by themselves, if all we do is just hang around for awhile and wait.

No, things won't necessarily get better.  We Americans have come to expect that things will automatically get better, no matter what they are.  Hurricane?  No sweat.  Throw a $Billion at it and it'll go away.  Tornado?  Same deal.  A $Billion will salve most any wound.  Flood?  We don't care.  Those flooded are usually farmers, and farmers don't vote the right way, so screw them.  Just kidding, there (not)!  Floods are "fixed" with tax money as well.  Just borrow another $Billion or two from China and spread it around on whoever's bitching at the time.  Anyway, the Second World War conditioned us, the Proud Americans, to assume that no matter how bad things are today, they'll automatically get better tomorrow.  Or the next day.  

Or the day after that, latest.

That's one of the reasons we've taken this whole pandemic thing so hard.  Remember, if you will, we were told to go home and lock the door and pull down the shades for two weeks to "slow the spread."  And then we did so, trusting indelibly in the words of our sage elected (and in the case of Drs. Fauci and Birks, unelected) leaders.  Well, we did.  And then the goal posts were moved.  And we were then ordered to wear masks.  That was after we were told that masks don't work.  And we were told to sanitize ourselves anytime we came in contact with another human.  Which we've done everything in our power to now avoid.  Domino's is bragging on its ability to get you a pizza without human contact of any kind.  Am I supposed to be happy about that?  The goal posts moved once again.  And even THAT isn't good enough, as entire states are locked down now, including my own.  

Just think about it: Disneyworld is open, Disneyland is closed.  California is closed, Florida will host the Super Bowl today.

Things are not getting better.  They weren't so sage, now were they?

And then The Donald invited a million of his closest friends to join him on the Capitol Mall and the World Came To An End.  A few of the visitors decided to break in the Capitol, which makes me wonder where the more than 27,000 cops in an around the D. C. area were hanging out that day.  That's how many were available in the Capitol Police, the Park Police, the Metropolitan Police Department and the Secret Service.  And that doesn't include the National Guard, of course, which was requested by the Park Police as backup, but denied by infamous Lefty Mayor Bowser.  

Available but unutilized. 

BTW, late breaking news is that they Capitol Police received warning on January 4th that an uprising was planned.  Two days before the "uprising."  The reason why they apparently didn't pass that info along to others is currently unknown.  But this fact alone means Trump didn't incite an insurrection.  The insurrection was already planned... 

Anyway, I don't think things are going to get better.  Not until or unless the Democrats drop the faux-outrage and decide to make nice with Republicans.  There are 74 million of them who voted, after all.  And that hasn't happened yet, and Pelosi's words and deeds gives me no expectation that it will.  She's impeached The Donald again.  What's that old adage?  "The definition of insanity is doing a thing over and over again expecting a different result."  This will backfire.  In their faces.  You want backlash?  Just watch the backlash from a previously-docile chunk of our population.  Who are armed.  And considered dangerous.  

So I'd suggest you all get ready for what I expect will be a bumpy ride.  Have plenty of cash on hand, at least six weeks worth of food and water in the larder, and a firearm you know how to use, plus ammo, at the ready.  Plenty of ammo.  And if you hate guns more than you love your own life and that of your family, be sure to make friends with a nearby Troglodyte neighbor who disagrees with you on that point and is armed to the teeth.  Both of your lives may depend upon it.  

Remember, there's no law that says we Americans are special.  There's no law that says America won't go down in flames if those in charge set it on fire.  They proved that all last summer when 48 of our oldest and "bluest" cities burned.  Which the Democrats in charge somehow failed to notice.  And there's no law that says we Americans cannot protect ourselves if and when our Government either cannot, or will not, protect us.  Remember, we hired it to do just that.  And the day it proves it cannot, Thomas Jefferson told us we should.  And if you don't think there are militias of angry, right-leaning Constitutionalists just waiting for the chance to face off against a failed state, or one they can assist in failing, you're dangerously uninformed.

Remember the play, Les Miserables?  Yeah, it portrayed a true event.  The French decided that a monarchy just wasn't working for them.  And the peons with torches and pitchforks stormed the battlements.  And it could happen again...

I pray that time won't come.  But I'm prepared in the event that it does.  Are you?  A word to the wise should be sufficient...

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