Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Right vs. Left...

Have you ever wondered about that whole "Right - Left" thing?  

Politicians telling you that those on the "Left" will bring socialism to our doorstep, and those on the "Right" will bring on fascist doom?  

Well, I, The Chuckmeister, am here to bring enlightenment to those in need.  Since we know by now that our schools no longer teach civics, and that nobody anywhere can tell you the five Rights we all enjoy under the 1st Amendment,* it might prove helpful if we take a short review of what constitutes our two major voting blocs.  That would be the Democrats and the Republicans.  The "Left vs. the Right."  Condensed from Wikipedia.  Here we go:

     -  Liberals (includes Democrats, "Progressives," socialists and communists.  And "Furries," also.).  Willing to accept and/or respect behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas; believing in wealth redistribution where appropriate; generally believe that climate change will doom us all; often intense dislike of oil and gas, due to a lifetime of indoctrination by those selling solar panels and windmills.  

     -  Conservatives (most often Republicans, some Southern Democrats who've seen the Light.).  Averse to change for the sake of change; or innovation where none is needed; favors capitalism and free trade over any other form of government; believes also in entrepreneurism; believes in the private ownership of land; favors socially traditional ideas and values. 

So before we get started, the "Left" v. "Right" comes from the view taken by our Speaker of the House of Representatives as he conducts our business in the Capitol Building.  The "Left," the Democrats, are to his left as he sees them, and the "Right," or Republicans, are to his right as he sees them.

Simple, eh? 

Now then, it's just my opinion (what else?), but seems to me the 49% of our citzens who pay no Federal taxes are getting a free ride.  And they're the ones who are most often "Liberals."  Or even "Progressives."  Which is another word for, Gimme' some of what it is you got!  Or all of it!  Or even, in some cases, they'll just outright steal it.

Which is why we all need firearms.  Which is the 2nd Amendment, if you've forgotten.  That's the one that permits you to protect yourself if some bozo doesn't like what you just said.  Under the 1st Amendment, covered above.  Which gives you the absolute Right to do the pis*ing off.  If you're walking around in the mistaken belief that the cops will protect you if you pi*s somebody off with your mouth, check with the obituary section of your local newspaper.

Then head on off to your local gun dealer... 

*     1st Amendment:  Freedom of speech, freedom of the Press, freedom of Religion, freedom of Assembly, and freedom to petition our Gubmint for a redress of grievances (protests).

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