Monday, October 7, 2024

Civil Disobedience.

Did you ever wonder what would happen if we all just stopped "voluntarily" complying?  

The Federal Gubmint tells us that paying income taxes is "voluntary."


Try "volunteering" not to comply!  To just brush it off.  Sort of, not today.  Maybe tomorrow...

We're learned just how "voluntary" it was when O'Biden's little boy Hunter, almost went to trial because he decided to "voluntarily" spend $1,300,000 of his ill-gotten income, the part he didn't share with his father, on hookers, porno sites, coke, meth, Zanax, MDMA and booze.  Instead of writing a check to Uncle Sam.  

Like us, the "little people." 

So our Uncle Sam could endorse it on the back and send it off to Ukraine.  Or Lebanon, which just got another $157 Million yesterday.  From you and me.  

And he also bought that now infamous .45 Colt Cobra revolver.  Which he purchased in the midst of a coke haze.  And lied on Federal Form 4453 about not being a coke freak.  Which is a Class "WOW" felony.  

And then he got a heavy case of the paranoids and had one of his "girlfriends" throw it away.  In a trash bin behind the local Albertson's.  

Now then, Fellow Patriots, the foregoing few paragraphs should prove forevermore than one can be smart enought to pass the bar exam, and still be dumb enough to get kicked out of the Navy with a Bad Conduct Discharge.  And then screw his dead brother's wife.  Yeah, dumb.  As a bag of hammers.  

He blew that $1.3 Mil on everything but the income taxes he owed.  Which got him in some very hot water.

But I'm here to tell you that the Gubmint could be all bark and no bite.  Especially if we citizens were to all band together and decide not to play by their arbitrary rules.  We could just take our toys and go home.  Forcing the Gubmint to reconsider some of its more outrageous and ridiculous laws, policies, procedures, rules and regulations.

And that would include city, state, and Federal policies.  Lemme' tell you how.

If you're a regular reader of this humble blog, you know that you have to try really hard to get sent to prison.  Like killing someone.  Or a group of someones.  With an AR-15.  The average number of arrests before prison as we know is now up to 37.  It's as if we don't want to punish people for breaking our laws.  Perhaps, as I've opined before, because we don't have anywhere to store them.  So I say put them in a gigantic interment camp in South Dakota.  Nobody lives there anyway!  Just carve out a few hundred acres, put a reeeely tall fence around it, and fill it with Bad Guys.  Because...  

...We should have already learned that failing to punish for bad behavior...gets us more bad behavior.

But they haven't learned that, have they?  And I think I know the reason why.  Ready?

We, you and me, American citizens, have a Grand Total of 1,998,588 jail cells in our Great Nation.  That includes township, city, county, Indian Nations, military lockups and brigs, and the Federal Goverment.

Yet, we have a total of 4,566,986 out on bail or parole.  And get this:  there are some 259,000 felons in California who have skipped bail.  Just decided all by their lonesome not to participate in our court system anymore.  Not to show up for court.  Just blew it off... 

Feeling safe? 

And that 259,000 felons include more than 7,899 charged with attempted murder, 8,544 carjackers and 5,488 armed robbers.  Thousands and thousands accused of serious felonies refusing to show up for trial.

Maybe they shouldn't have been turned loose in the first place?

Ahhhh, but the reason they were turned loose, I believe, is there's no place to put them.  Nearly every single Federal prison has cell architecture designed for one prisoner.  Yet, nearly every one has two or even more prisoners living together.  In very tight spaces.  Which cannot improve their general mood.  Making it ever tougher to keep them subdued while incarcerated.  So when they're released they're extra specially pissed.

So I'd say we all just decide to stop paying.  Just stop sending in that tax return.  Or send it in but without a check.  Maybe just write across it with a felt pen, "I no longer choose to participate."  If only a few of us were to do that they'd crucify us.  If all of us did that they could'nt do a dayummm thing... 

1 comment:

The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!