Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Share of Stock...

I was just thinking about the value of our citizenship.  Yours and mine.

Let's look at our citizenship in America for a moment the same way we would a share of corporate stock.

If you owned a share of Tesla stock, for instance, valued at let's say $200.00, you'd want to know how many shares were outstanding.  How many shares had been printed by Tesla, and then sold to folks like you, for "market price."  And that "market price" would be set the buyers and the sellers based on profit and loss, but also on the number of shares outstanding.

Our corporations fortunately cannot print stock in their companies the same way our Treasury Department keeps printing $Hundred Dollar Bills.  Every time that printing press prints another stack, the value of your $Hundred Dollar Bill is diminshed.  By a like amount.  Our money is now worth 21% less than it was in 2020 as an example.  Because needless overspending by the O'Biden Administration has caused rampant inflation.  Which has reduced our buying power.  In essense, the value of our money.

Corporations can't do that.  They have to live in the real world.  A world where there are Federal sleuths looking over their shoulders, trying to put them in minimum security lockups across the fruited plain.  

So if Tesla's Board decided to dilute the value your one share of stock by doubling the number of their shares outstanding, you'd be pissed!  Not a two-for-one reverse split, just Tesla deciding to double the number of common shares outstanding.  Your share of Tesla would be then be worth half of what it was before.  Without the "market" having had its say!  

So what happens when we open our Borders and permit anyone from anywhere to come in, unannounced, without vetting, and with only the hope that they don't do us harm (at least two million of them were "gotaways!")?  When you allow 12 or 15 (or 18 or 21) million illegal aliens to enter our Country, you've diluted the value of our citizenship.  Yours and mine.  Without us having had a say.  By at least that percentage.  And I'd argue more, because we'll be paying welfare and rental assistance and legal assistance and medical assistance and SNAP cards and travel expenses and increased costs for educating their children for decades.*  Maybe generations.  

Without us having had a say.

We've devalued our citizenship by pretending we not only don't have a Border, but that we have some sort of requirement, and OBLIGATION, to take in the world's poor and needy and hungry (and criminals).  And then ship them all over the place under cover of darkness.   

We don't.

A Country without a Border is not a Country.  It's a social experiment.  Even though socialism has never worked in the history of the world, the socialists are going to keep on trying it until they get it right.  With our money.  

And without us having had a say.

I ask you, why would we be pissed at Tesla if they screwed us out of $100.00, but not be pissed at our "Leaders" for devaluing our undivided, but Constitutionally-guaranteed, ownership share in our Country?

*    There are 232 separate languages being spoken in the Los Angeles Unified School District.  And they have to be able to teach in all of them...


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