Friday, November 17, 2023

Want to Make Some Big $Bucks?

Hey there, fellow Patriot!  I've come up with a great new business opportunity! 

I have a new way for us to pick up a bit of extra $Cash while suffering through "Bidenomics."  It's called...

      "Live Better For Less:  Steal."

Now, this wouldn't work in South Carolina, or Texas, or even Arizona, where they'd throw your a*s in the slammer.  But it will work in Taxifornia, where you can (il)legally steal up to $995.00 a day, per location, without being grabbed up for a felony.

Simple misdemeanor here folks!

Yep, you can steal it from a Bloomingdale's, or you can steal it from a guy on the street, no matter.  Or, to be fair to our LBGTTLSQZXYZ2+++ folk, a gal/other.  And due to Proposition 47, which passed here back in 2014, raising that limit to absurd levels (it's $50.00 in Iowa!), people are stealing stuff here Major League!.  So even if the coppers caught you, all they could do is issue a $50.00 ticket for a misdemeanor.  WITHOUT a court date!  As in, please don't show up and clot up our court calendar.

John Dillinger, the infamous bank robber, was asked one day why he robbed banks.  "Because that's where the money is," he said.  Using his logic, I figured that the place where it would be easiest to find folks with money to rob would be at those funny electric charging stations.  You know, where Teslas line up day and night to get a bit of juice.  And so do the M-B's and Audis and the other little playthings.  

We could even set up a card table and bring a case of (non) Bud and relax.  Like the crocodiles do as they wait for the gazelles to come take a drink.

Behind the Costcos.  And the Sam's Clubs.  And the Piggly Wiggly's.  At 11:45 p.m.  As in, at NIGHT!  Just saw a vid of a charging station located at the Burbank Airport.  At 11:45 at night.  With Teslas and M-B's, and those enormous Audi SUV's lined up around the block and down the street.  With people being forced to waste hours and hours in order to get their growed-up golf carts topped off.  So they can drive right past that gas station tomorrow, heads held high, subtle middle finger being offered, luxuriating in the knowledge that they have individually "saved the planet."  A way for small people to feel big.  

Ugggh, Gas!  Oil bad!

Overpriced plug-in electric cars where little Chinese kids dig in the dirt for rare Earth minerals to turn into 2,000 pound batteries for rich Americans, Good.

Well folks, Tesla drivers must have money.  Else they couldn't afford to spend $100k on their dummass cars.  And they'll be bringing their pockets full of Liberal cash right to us, as we sit by the chargers sucking down brewskies, awaiting their arrival.  When they do we simply lighten them of their Rolexes and walk away.  We could run this scam for quite awhile, me thinks.  We could even turn this into a franchis opportunity!  so how about it?  Wanna' join in our little "CRS?"  That stands for 

    "Cash Redistribution Scheme." 

We'll arrange for you to be picked up at the war zon..., er, airport, in the biggest gas guzzler we can find and trucked out using those expensive hydrocarbons to your very own charger.  With a minder and a calculator.  So you won't go over than $995 limit as you steal Tesla owners blind.  And it's not like they have anywhere else to go!  

Tell me now, wouldn't you like to lighten the wallets of those smug, smarmy arseholes?  I'm thinking we could even call good ol' Elon and offer him a choice between negatives; send us some ransom $'s and maybe we'll stop. 

BTW, it just struck me, if these dummies would punish law-breakers when they first start breaking laws, they wouldn't have folks like me thinking this way... 

DM me at Fortress Chuckmeister and we'll plan our attack together...  

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