Tuesday, May 9, 2023

We All Hit The Population Lottery...

Just so you know, we Americans hit the Earth's Population Lottery.  The 5% of the Earth's population who did.  The 5% that have a chance to get a good education, get a good job, earn a good living, buy a good home, and a good car, have some good kids, if we're able, and save enough to retire well.  If not good, well.

Only in America.

Yet, as I watch various news programs on the Telly (I know, I promised I wouldn't watch anymore, but hey, it's like crack!), things are going to Hell in a handbasket.  Whatever that old expression means.  Inflation is raging, China, Russia and Iran are threatening to nuke us, the banks are going broke, the southern border is Wiiiiiide Open, and crime is out of control.  And we're being (mis)managed by a senile old coot and a sub-100 I.Q. sidekick.  You know it's bad when you have to pray for Joe's health.

Plus a lot of other negative stuff you already know about.  Yes, we're all learning just how resilient America is, as we've trusted our toys to the Mumbler-in-Chief and his Democrat henchmen and they've broken them.  Bigly. 

And boy are we pissed!

Yet, no matter how bad is, this is still America.  That "Shining City on the Hill," Reagan spoke about.  We won two World Wars almost single-handedly.  We should carry ourselves with pride!  Yet, some of us don't.  The ones maybe who haven't paid a price for their freedom.  When I watch the news, I find that our younger generations don't share my/our love of Country.  They don't seem to give a good goddamm about America, and they show it with their every move.  They seem to think they're owed something.  By somebody.  A mythical "somebody" who has the temerity to earn more than they do.  Or ever will.  Those mythical "rich" people who they've been told don't pay their "fair share."  The same people who pay for 34% of everything here in America.  

And they'd know that if they went to class instead of a protest. 

Imagine this:  They actually protest against the First Amendment guarantees of Free Speech.  They gather all together with their pre-made signs (did Soros pay for them?) and march up and down some street or other, hoping/assuming that such an action will achieve their purported goals.  Which is to presumably sway opinions.  Via threat, if necessary.  But remember this:  they're using the Right to Protest, to protest.  Without being smart enough (or well educated enough?) to get the irony.  

What the Hell is wrong with our youth?  Was it their upbringing?  Was it their parents' fault?  Was it their education?  Or the lack of same?  We know for instance that the Colorado Teachers Association, all 39,445 of them, just voted to eliminate Capitalism.  To teach their students that it's a flawed, unfair and unworkable system. that exploits labor and is racist at its core.  The very economic system that generates (barely) enough taxes to pay their bloated salaries.  

And they don't get that irony either.

Of course, were they educated, they'd know there's never been a successful socialist, Marxist or communist system.  There IS one example of a communist state where everyone has achieved "equity," the goal all "Progressives" now seek.  That would be North Korea...

I'm sure they'd be willing to welcome a few Colorado teachers.

We're paying dearly to send our kids off to be brainwashed.  I'd rather you send your kids off to the military for awhile.  If you do, I guarantee you'll get adults back.  Adults who can earn a free college education, courtesy of Uncle Sam, BTW.  You'll get back young people ready and willing to get a job and start a family and be a productive citizen.

I know, I was one.

Or you could send them to the Peace Corps if you're anti-bullets.  Or let them paint yellow stripes down the center of our highways.  Or better yet, have them apprentice as a welder, or an electrician, or perhaps a highway lineman.  All three of those careers pay over $100,000 a year.  Ever heard of a ferrier?  Do you like horses and the Great Outdoors?  Learn to shoe horses, that's a ferrier, and earn up to $250,000 a year.  All without student loans.  

Or maybe just send your kids to junior college for a couple of years at $bupkus per transferrable hour.  Let them mature while they work at Carl's Jr. to earn enough to take Suzie out to the movies come Friday night, and they'll grow up well and quickly.  And those J.C. hours will transfer.  To that $30, $40, $50,000 a year college.  From whence they'll get their ultimate degrees.  And most likely in the shortest possible time.  NOTE:  Employers only care about the college from which you graduated.

Or if you're not cruel enough to be a good parent (ahem!), here's my final and maybe best suggestion.  Tell them to take out student loans for their education.  Tell them you'll help them pay them back, but only after they've earned their degrees.  Talk about a motivator!  Talk about focusing the mind!

In the meantime I just watched an anti-2nd Amendment protest.  Young people begging the Government to take away their Rights.  The Right to protect themselves.  From a Government...seemingly dedicated to increasing the level of crime.  From which they need protection.

More irony.  

I'd like to say that I put on the uniform of our Armed Forces to help build a safe and prosperous society.  I'd like to say that, but I just can't.  

Pardon me while I go outside and wretch...

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