Sunday, May 7, 2023

57 Genders...

I heard a few years back that some of the more "Progressive" Leftoids among us began stating that there are 57 genders.

Funny, I always heard there are two.  And only two.

They need to make everything complicated.  Even gender.  I read yesterday a just-conducted Pew Poll reported that fully 57% of our adults believe that sex is assigned at the moment of birth!  Poof!  As if by magic!  So your son's not a boy until the moment he spurts down the birth canal.  At which time he is assigned a penis and a couple of nice testicles.  We are all doomed if they are so damn dumb as to believe this.

But then again, they stopped teaching civics in high school just about the time they started teaching about "diversity, equity and inclusion."  The New Religion of the New Left.  

Can we get a little less inclusion, please?  

Hearing this, I'm not so sad that my personal end is near.  Those younger than The Chuckmeister will have to deal with these dolts.  I'm past worrying about it.  But while I'm on the way out the Digital Door, I'd like to ask those of you who will be succeeding me why Democrats are so damn dumb?  I offer as my evidence one Katinje Brown-Jackson, our newest Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.  During her confimation hearings she was asked to define a woman.  She said she couldn't, as she's not a biologist.  Hmmmm.  I know the speed limit and I'm not a highway patrolman!

If you think a Cabinet-worthy appointee should be able to defiine a woman, how about this?  We've got Steve Dittelbach, our newest Director of the ATF.  That stands for Alcohol, Tobacco and FIrearms.  It also includes "Explosives," but they're too cheap to change the name.  

He was just asked last week during his Senate Confirmation Hearing to define "assault weapons."  Since "assault weapons" are being outlawed all across Big Blue states, most recently in both New York and Washington States, it would seem the guy responsible for overseeing this particular class of weaponry should be able to define them.

Wrong-o, Batman!

Mr. Dettelbach stated that the Congress would have to define "assault weapons," as he could not.  Well how the Hell can you regulate it if you can't define it?  Our Most Popular Firearm, with more than 19,000,000 in circulation.  Universally loved because they're light, modular and inexpensive.  Perfect for hunting, target shooting and self-defense.  Manufactured by more than 100 companies today, and this dude can't define them. 

I come from the Upper Midwest where we have a number of colorful colloquialsms.  My Father, God rest his soul, was known to use them on occasion (so do I!).  I'd done some dumb thing or other one day and he dredged one up to describe how he felt:  "Boy, he said, "you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground."   I wish my Dad were still around.  I think we'd share a laugh about today's Liberal fools who can't tell a woman from an assault weapon.

In fact, maybe they have more in common than we'd previously thought...

Those who read this unassuming little blog know that we can do better than this.  The only question is, just exactly when will we start?

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