Sunday, May 28, 2023

Shooting Shoplifters.

Ever heard the term, "spare the rod, spoil the child?"

We didn't used to "spare the rod" until 20 or 30 years ago when our young monthers began listenting to TV shrinks who told them they'd create criminals if they spanked their kids.

Now, 30 years later, we have a crime wave.  Coast to coast, all the statistics are up; burglary, carjacking, murder.  Everything.  But most especially shoplifting.  And most especially in those Big Blue Cities who district attorneys were installed by George Soros.  And who won't prosecute petty crime.  And in California, that "petty crime" is costing $Tens of Billions.  And driving jobs and people away in droves.

Nordstroms has left San Franpoopco, that "Shi*ty by the Bay," and taken Nordstrom's Rack with it.  CVS has closed 9 stores.  Wal-Mart has closed two.  And Target just announced a $500 Million Loss due to "shrinkage" (theft).  And so it's bolting as well.  Hundreds of smaller businesses have closed.  Can you imagine what SFO will look like when there's no businesses left?  Do the Leftoids not think of such stuff when they come up with all their little socialist plans?

Didja' know you can steal up to $995.00 a day in California without it be becoming a felony?  And if you get caught it results only in a ticket?  For a fine of $50?  With no court date? 

Oh by the way, that's $995.00 per day, PER STORE!

So, being too old and too curmudgeonly to move, I've come up with a soluton.   And it starts with this realization:

"There's nothing that focuses the mind quite like a bullet in the butt."

                                               -  The Chuckmeister

This, fellow Patriot, has got to stop.  It wasn't this way in the Old West, where they issued summary judgment on such things.  They put together a posse and tracked down the problem.  And it doesn't have to be that way again.  I have the solution to our problem...  

      We just simply shoot the bastards.**  

Right in the butt.  Sort of a non-capital punishment the gangbangers just might wish to avoid.  Not life-threatening.  Just make it tough for the miscreant to sit down for awhile.  

Shoplifting 1 might result in a bullet in the cheek.  A .22 with a scope should enable one to pick one's cheek.  Shop 2?  I propose a double:  both cheeks.

Bigger crimes?  Larger calibers.  We could upgrade to the time-tested .38 S&W Special caliber for garden variety felonies like carjacking and mugging.  And then rachet up our firepower to the mighty .40 S&W or .357 Magnum for more serious stuff, like bank robbery.  And then my favorite, the Colt .45, for the really bad guys, like the rich who don't pay their fair share...*

However, even a .22 in the ass would make you rethink your love for Dolce-Gobana handbags.  A .22 in the ass would make you wish you hadn't grabbed that toothpaste from CVS.  A .22 in the ass could ruin your entire day.  The rest of the week, even!

So you can just imagine that shoplifters would likely shoplift in my world only once; they'd be on the straight and narrow thereafter.  In fact, they just might start volunteering their time at the local church.

It's the same across the spectrum.  If we had made the punishment fit the crime, there would be no crooks nabbed with a rap sheet 40 felonies long. The "revolving door" of "arrest them in the morning and have them out by dark" would not exist.  And those who have benefitted from it would not have preyed on our society.

In my world, one felony is enough.  And don't think I'm a hardass.  It would be nice to walk down the street without being in fear for your life, wouldn't it?  

*    That was a joke.

**   That's only slightly toungue-in -"cheek."

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