Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Strategic Capitulation:



"A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior."

Listen up, fellow Patriots.  I'm about to lay upon you the absolute Bottom Line.  So read it as if your life depends upon it.  For it just may well...

Factoid:  It's no longer advisable to try and fight the war of ideas when those we're fighting to convert, to "see the light," are dumber than a bag of rocks.  And recent polling tells us that the younger female voter is voting first and foremost over the issue of abortion.

So, I'm therefore suggesting that we declare a strategic capitulation.  As in, we give up.  Sort of like what O'Biden did in Afghanistan, except without folks falling off our cargo jets and all.  But we do so in a manner that permits us to ultimately win the war later on down the line.  Here's my suggested new Campaign Platform:  

            "Unfettered Abortion, for all!"

It appears that "birthing persons" have been scared by the so-called "MainStreamMedia" into believing that the only issue they should care about is abortion.  Not national security, not high taxes, not out-of-control immigration, not crime in the streets, not fentanyl, not even gun deaths.  Just abortion.  And its have-to-have availability up until the third grade, one must presume.  

But those still dumb enough to get pregnant in an age of $9.95 a month (or even free) birth control pills are also too dumb to understand that "Roe's" cancellation by the Supremes last year was a good thing.  Because it returned control over their bodies back to them, the individual voter.  But that won't matter if these same folk are too damm dumm to know how to vote! 

I mean, think about it:  College campuses are arife with our best and brightest using the "Right of Free Speech," to protest against the Right of Free Speech.  I'm gobsmacked by that one.     

So I, The Chuckmeister, say that we simply wave the White Flag.  So long as our MSMedia is the Enemy of the People, filled up to the brim with commie pinko dumbass liberal weenies, which it is, let's tell them we want lots and lots of abortions, too.  And that we'll make it available to them so they can continue copulating shamelessly without benefit of b.c. pills, and then aborting their would-be offspring whenever the spirit moves them.  Their future no-doubt Liberal offspring, btw.  After all, them there Planned Parenthood centers are right down the street, right?

NOTE:  While we'll outwardly declare our love for Planned Parenthood, we'll do so knowing that only Democrat/Liberal/Progressive "birthing persons" will choose to use it.  Our womenfolk won't!  So, over time, they'll simply abort themselves into irrelevance.  Into non-imporance.  Sort of like spaying puppies, the unwanted ones will be slowly eradicated over a generation or two.  

Evil plan, what?  

(Did I mention that Planned Parenthood has aborted more than 17,000,000 Black babies since that noted racist Margaret Sanger, R.N., created it?  And had our Black population avoided that fate there would be twice as many Black folks in America as there are today?  Thought you'd like to know that...)  

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