Monday, April 17, 2023

Reparations (Part Drei)

I just read that the "California Commission on Assuaging White Guilt," or something like that, is close to its final recommendations on how much OPM (Other Peoples' Money) to dole out to its minority Black minority.  Aggrieved Black minority.  For their votes (editorial opinion, there).

Or maybe it's not recommendations, but an order.

So even though CA entered the Union in 1850 as a Free State, meaning it never permitted slavery, and slavery never occurred here, the "wokeness" of San Franpoopco's apologist politicians have been so eaten up with the dummmass, that they've decided to proceed as if they had.  

Yes, it's a long sentence, but I specialize in long senences...

And the only reason why our Boy Guv Newsom breathed life into this flawed and unconstitutional group of apologists is to help assuage their "White Guilt."  Well, including greed and jealousy.  And in this case, using their taxpayers' money.  In really creative ways.  Let's explore...

They've agreed that the "floor" of this taxpayer giveaway will be $223,000, with a maximum discussed thus far of $8,000,000.  For each of its 16,500 Black residents.  And me, of course, as I identify as Black and also "++" long-time resident of this once-beautiful city.  And identifying is all that's required!  Can you dig it?  And I don't want anyone thinking I'm attempting to latch onto a stupid, foolish dummmass giveaway.  Nosireeee Bob! Or whatever pronouns you choose to use.  Not me! 

How to pay for it has been the sticky wicket.  But I think they've come up with a couple of solutions.  First, they want to raise property taxes on those (remaining) few filthy rich residents.  They'll call it a "mansion tax."  On top of Boy Guv's new "mansion tax" just imposed.  Whether the properties they intend to tax are mansions are not, makes no never mind, I'm sure.  They'll wind up taxing everybody by the time the dust settles. 

Of course, this'll be made difficult by our Proposition 13, voted in by our taxpayers back in 1975.  It sets the taxable base on properties at 1%.  And It will take a supermajority vote of the people to overturn it. 

Not gonna' happen.

The other choice is to raise income taxes, similar to how New York City taxes New Jersey residents for "permitting" them to work in its city.  The commies.  SFO could do that to, they say.  Impose a tax on those working in the City and living somewhere else.  If you can call that living.  Imagine stepping over piles of poop and drug addicts to get to your Union Square $100 per plate lunch.

That might be just enough to make those still residing there to throw in the towel and head off to Utah.  Or Nevada.  Or maybe Arizona.  Or perhaps Texas or Florida.  Nearly 600,000 of our fellow neighbors packed up and bailed out in just the past two years.  What's that sound you hear?  It's the roll-up door on the back of U-Haul trailers slamming shut as they prepare for their journey east on the I-10... 

Those 600,000 have fled for anywhere else.  Anywhere!  Because that "anywhere else" is not likely to have vagrant druggie addict criminal bums camping and pissing and shi*ting on their sidewalks, and gang members jacking their cars, and muggers sticking a knife in their neck for their wallets, and gangs of smash-and-grab thieves knocking over stores in broad daylight while they shop.  

Occurring daily at a store near you.  

So even though I'm pretty sure there won't be anyone to pay these taxes, I have a couple of suggestions for this august commission to consider:

     -  How about some reparations for the Chinese, while we're handing out OPM.  They built our railroads, and probably got nothing but rice in return.  Plus lots of beatings.  And the folks building those railroads all lived in San Fran back then.  So how about some $Cash for them?  The fact that their heirs worked hard and got educated and don't now need it is beyond the point.  I'd say they'd settle for a flat $5 Million each.  Of course, the Chinese are not on our Christmas list now 'cause of that balloon thingie, but that's them over there, and there's a lot of them over here, too. 

     -  Or how about the Irish?  Like me.  They (my folks) came over in droves during the late 1800's, due to the potato famine.  They were dirty and foul and considered subhuman, the "elite" thought.  They were treated like dogs.  In fact, I still have some "generational rage" over this, which gives me PTSD, and I would like to know with whom I should speak to maybe get some of that cash being thrown around.  In fact, every bar and restaurant in NYC had a sign in its window back then stating, "No dogs or Irish allowed!"  So I say give them Micks some $Money.  (And me too!).  Write back and I'll tell you where to mail my check.

     -  And the Jews!  They were treated oh so badly by the Nazis, and by the Italians, and by the Russians, and the Venetians, and by nearly everyone else down through history.  Because, like the Asians, they were successful.  And even though California hasn't punished the Jews, in fact we "gave" them a bunch of movie studios, I still say we pretend that we did and give them a casino or two.  Call it "The Dreadle."  I like that.

     -  We don't have to give reparations to the Indians (natives, first persons, indigenous cousins,whatever).  That's "woo woo" Indians, not "red dot."  We already gave them a monopoly on gambling here in CA more than 20 years ago, and now there's Indian casinos everywhere!  Scalping the White man (and the Chinese, for some reason) as serious payback.  And now We the People could use that as a model for future giveaways.  I say we take a few of the Indian casinos and give them to the Irish and Chinese and Jews.

But wait!  This just in!  The Reparations Commission, which was scheduled to have its final vote on suggested payoffs, couldn't do so because one of its 3 members was stuck in Columbia.  No, not South Carolina, or Missouri, or Mississippi, but the Country.  One of the Commissioners had been partying in a Hooters there and was too hung over to catch his flight home.  Yes, really.  But I'm sure he'll straighten up and vote right when or if he finally returns.  And when that happens me, your friendly Black gay San Franpoopco resident, be the newest $Multi-Millionaire in Murrieta...

**NEWS FLASH!!!**  One of San Franpoopco's Co. Commissioner's just put forth a proposal to end their prostitution problem.  He proposes to make it legal.  Like they've done with herion, and crack, and marijuana, and meth, and now fentanyl.  I think they're secretly trying to rid themselves of their homeless by permitting them to kill themselves...

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