Saturday, April 15, 2023


Be advised that some of our friends who aren't at all happy with who they are, but aren't quite sure who exactly they want to be, have ganged up on us "regular" folks and quietly become the loudest and most dangerous voices in politics.

Yes, fellow Patriots, the "LBBTQIA2SPA++"* crowd have grouped themselves together like the Texicans once did against Santa Anna.  So much so that the O'Biden Administration just issued a new change to Title IX, that ruling we've acknowledged for more thabn 50 years now.  That ruling that protected girls participating in girls' sports.  That ruling that required one to be a girl to participate.


Anyway, O'Biden just threw a  hand grenade into that law.  He made it quite alright for full-grown men to now compete against girls in school sports.  And made the law superior to any the various states might pass.  Nice.  I'm sure there will be a ton of lawsuits decrying the unconstitutionality of that ruling, but until then, O'Biden has once again upset that proverbial applecart.  Like he's done to damn near everything else that made America great.

So I have a suggestion.  How about we create a new lane for these nice folks to compete.  With each other.  Not us, them.  So if you self-identify as any of the acronymzzz listed above, you just stand in that line when you're signing up.  Simple.  The boys continue to compete against the boys, only; the girls continue to compete against the girls, only; and these "acronym" folks compete against each other.  I'd say it might even be entertaining.  Any other solution is so much bulls*it.  

And then there's my OTHER proposal.  Since they're ganging up on us poor (taxpaying) souls, how about we gang up on them in return?  How about the White Folk, and the Black Folk, and the Yellow Folk, and the Red Folk out there in 'Murica get together and send these Loud Folk back to whence they came?  Hmmmm?

Remember, I'm just a guy willing to say what most of you are thinking.  

What say you?

*   "l (esbian)," "G (ay)," "B (i-Sexual)," "Q (ueer, which includes non-binary, genderfluid, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming)," "I (ntersex)," "A (sexual)," "T (wo-Spirit)," "P (ansexual)," "A (lly)," and "++," which presumably leaves room for lots more disaffected souls to find a refuge in the future.  Unfortunately...

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