Tuesday, August 9, 2022

In Your "Gift Basket"

The some of you who voted Democrat during the last go round just found out what's in your "gift basket."

You were just gifted with 87,000 brand-spankin' new IRS agents!  Whose sole job is to extract money from you, the Taxpayers!  And they presumably thought that more than doubling the size of the IRS from 74,000 to 161,000!  With  less than 2% of those agents in other than tax enforcement jobs.  

Do you feel all warm and fuzzy knowing your friendly IRS is getting $80,000,000,000 (with a "B")?  So they can go after the "rich?"  Well, fellow Patriot, we have some 340 Million People here in America.  And less than half of them pay income taxes (48%).  So if you take half our population, or 170 Million People, and divide them through our new, 161,000 workforce, you'll wind up with 1 agent for every 1,068 taxpayers!  

Then do the normal income distribution on those 1,000 folks.  Half of them will be earning incomes of $75,000 a year, and they'll be the Big Fat Target of the vampiric new agents.

But don't think they'll be the only ones affected by this awful slap in our collective faces.  According to the Congressional Budget Office, everyone who pays taxes will pay more taxes because of this Bill.  Like I said, they lie when the truth would sound better.

I wonder if they'll make them actually come in the the office?

Remember to vote different come November...

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