Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Equity...on the Moon?

Remember Bill Nelson?  

He was the Senator from Florida for, oh, I don't know, maybe a hundred years.  He's the tall, good looking fellow, broad smile full of expensive teeth, carefully quaffed, movie star white hair, unnaturally full for a seventy-ish guy.  And when he talks, he talks with that air of certainty over nearly everything that got him elected, and reelected, many, many times over the years.  Just like his Democrat brethren.  And "sisteren.   

And because of California, now "otheren." 

But Nelson was far better than most public officials, which is why he was able to spend two lifetimes in the Senate, and then retire into perhaps the very best "double-dip" deal imaginable!  He's now been appointed to Director of National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  Can you get a better gig?  And just to show he hasn't ditched his leftoid leanings, just 'cause he's now retired and can stop the bulls**t, he spilled the beans during an interview with ABC the other day.  An interview that was really telling about the future plans of our vaunted space pioneers...

When asked about our plans to go back to the moon, (now) Mr. Nelson answered, "Yes, we're going back to the moon, and we'll be there before the end of the decade."  Although not asked, Nelson went on to say, "And just to show our commitment to equity and diversity, I can guarantee you that the first person to step back on the moon will be a Black woman!"  

At that I excused myself and went to the rest room and projectile vomited.

Now then, not just a Black, not just a woman, but a Black woman?   To this I just have to ask, if we're checking boxes here, why not make sure that this historic Black woman is also gay?  Like Karine Jeane-Pierre, our newest Press Secretary?  Who's perhaps the dumbest human being God ever created?  Assuming that she is a human being, that is.  And why not make sure she's also an immigrant?  And suffers from the heartbreak of psoriasis?  And is also maybe a Gypsy?  And is afflicted with bi-lateral polyneuropathy, like me?

It seems that no matter how old you grow, you never quite lose the idealism you grew up with.  And in the case of Nelson, that's a truly unfortunate thing.  For you, for me, for NASA, and for America.

But God help us, the Moon, the friggin' MOON, will now be used for virtue signaling.  What's left?

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