Wednesday, August 24, 2022

How to Eliminate Black People...

So I was doing some research the other day.

That's what you hired me for, right?  To look into stuff you'd be interested in finding out more about but you just don't have the time?  Because you're working your ass off trying to make a nice comfy home for millions of newly-minted illegal aliens?  Just sayin...'

So back to my research.  I started looking a bit deeper into this whole abortion kerfuffle.  Actually, it's more than a kerfuffle, really.  It's more like an all-out war.  When pro-abortionists feel the need to burn down pro-life centers, as they have more than 100 times since the "Roe" decision was dropped, then it's War!  Notice, there have been NO pro-abortion centers burned down in the same time frame.  Or any time frame, for that matter.

(Come to think of it, maybe it's time for a few of us to start burning down abortion centers?)

So I wanted to know more about what causes people to want to murder other people, or even almost-people, as the guy who tried to kill Kavanaugh so indelibly proved.  And what I learned should chill you to the core.

Margaret Sanger believed in "eugenics."  That's a fancy word for racial purity.  As in, "eliminating all non-White folks."  And in her case, the Black ones especially.

And one way she thought that could be brought about was through abortion centers.  Places where women could go and off-load an unwanted pregnancy.  And so she created the first abortion center in Brooklyn in September, 1916.  Women lined up around the block.  And the police just as quickly shut it down.  And the legal war between those who want unfettered, anytime abortions, up to and including the very instant of birth, and those who want the sanctity of life protected, has been playing out.

And now, more than 100 years later, there are more than 600 affiliated Planned Parenthood health care and abortion centers.  With each one delivering a sort of ironic "un-parenthood."  

Sanger, an R.N., interestingly, was so dedicated to eradicating all Blacks everywhere that she affiliated herself and her organization with the Ku Klux Klan to try and gain traction.  That should tell you all you need to know about Sanger's motivations.  

And so now, 106 years later, Planned Parenthood has aborted more than 65,000,000 fetuses.  I define "fetus" as a to-be-born human.  You may choose to define it differently as a random mass of protoplasm.  

But masses of protoplasm, I might add, seldom grow into humans.  

Anyway, of those 65,000,000, more than 18,000,000 have been Black.  Since the Black population in America is 49.9 million, or 14.6% of our little band of freedom-lovers, the Black population would have been one-third larger than today without Sanger's vendetta.  And thus, had a much larger political influence than is currently the case.  Yet, more than 85% of all the abor..., er Planned Parenthood centers have been built deep inside big, Democrat-run, inner cities.  Where it advertises on buses and billboards its 24-hour availability. 

As a matter of fact, PP is attempting to open an abortion center on the University of Pennsylvania's campus.  So far it's not been approved...

Is it just me, or would the Democrat Party be bigger and stronger if it hadn't worked overtime for the past century to kill off its future voters?  Especially its future Black and Hispanic (Latin"X"?) voters?

Hey, as the father of four daughters, far be it from me to try and preach abstinence or avoidance or appropriate birth control methods.  They know for themselves what to do and how to do it.  But advising that a woman should not use PP as their primary method of birth control should get me no argument.  From anyone.

You may not know this, but we, the Taxpayers, you and me, give PP more then $500 Million Dollars of our tax money every year!  oAnd then they turn around and give more than 90% of it back to Democrats to influence elections nationwide.  Surprised?  Or were you just assuming that Democrats had some natural, deep-seated love for abortions?  No, they have a deep-seated love for political contributions, and for POWER.  And PP gives them an avenue to attain, and retain, POWER.

However, one must ask oneself how much more powerful they might be if they hadn't routinely killed off so many of their future voters?  The ones who would have voted for some of the crazy crap they put forth today.  Like throwing money at the climate (that's the weather, dummass!)?   

But I'll just sit back and compute the facts as they are: Latinos/Hispanics/Latin-X-er's, make up 18.3% of our population.  Adding back the 18 million Black babies killed by Sanger over the years would have made the Black folks population 18.8% of our population.  And therefore more politically powerful.  It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature... 

Just sayin...

1 comment:

  1. Toys R Us donated to Planned Parenthood and maybe we can have similar results with the Democratic party.


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!