Thursday, July 14, 2022

No Bigfoot..

Today marks the 1,000th day in a row that I've failed to locate Bigfoot.  Or any of his family and friends.

No, although I've looked high an low (mostly high, heh, heh), no Bigfoot.  I guess I should admit at this point that I only search my Murietta, Taxifornia "Fortress Chuckmeister" property.  And it is, I should also admit, rather smallish and urban.  As in, ummm, tiny.  When people say they can't see the forest for the trees?  In my case, no forest, no trees.  No shrubs, even.  Just one lonely old bush and some weeds.  So no place for Biggie and his fam to hide out even if he was here.  

Which, as I already mentioned, he isn't.  

So why, you might ask, do I keep on looking for this magnificent cryptid when I know I won't find him?  Why, you might reasonably ask, do I keep on looking in the wrong places, knowing I'm looking in the wrong places?  Sort of like one has to ask why the O'Biden Administration keeps looking for answers to our energy production needs in windmills and solar panels, when they know they're treading upon the largest proven oil reserves on Earth, directly under our collective feet?  

Kinda' makes one wonder, now don't it?

Well, according to my feeble computations, we have some 900 years worth of proven oil and gas reserves directly under our feet.  Just the Permian Basis, under a small chunk of New Mexico and about one-fifth of Texas, contains enough proven oil and gas reserves to power our Republic for at least 200 years!  And yet, Mr. O'Biden is in Saudi-Arabia, begging a proven murderer to produce more oil.  Is this guy eaten' up with the dumbass, or what?

So anyway, no Bigfoot.  And similarly, no Loch Ness Monster, or Jersey Devil, or the Arkansas Howler.  Nor is there any answer to America's need for fossil fuels in Saudi Arabia.  But they keep looking.  And so I guess I'll keep on looking in my sparce little patch of dirt.  Which, btw, I'm prepared to defend to the death!  Etc., etc...

So pass the word along, equity vs. equality is a really nice concept, but if you're in charge of America's Ship of State, it's a really good idea also to know what you're talking about.  The folks in the last Administration, did.  These folks, don't.  Hold your breath.  Don't know if we can keep it together for another two and one-half years, assuming the Mumbler-in-Chief keeps mumbling, but God knows, we're gonna' try...  

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