Sunday, July 10, 2022

18 - USC - 1507

That number up there, fellow Patriot, is the Federal law governing conduct outside a Federal and Supreme Court Justice's home.  It states that picketing or protesting outside their homes in an effort to change or solicit or influence their vote on a pending bill is a Federal crime!  It is a felony!  It is punishable by a $5,000 fine and up to ten (10) years in the hoosegow.  

That's ol' timey' cowboy speak for "prison." 

And as we know for the past nearly three months pro-abortion activists have been parading up and down the streets in front of three of our Conservative justices' homes, only their homes, banging drums and screaming at the top of their lungs.  At all hours of the day and night.  Generally making fools of themselves and life unbearable for the Justices, their families and their neighbors.  

Which is exactly the idea.

So why doesn't the Attorney General enforce the law and arrest the protesters?  Even today, after the "Roe" opinion has been delivered?  Yes, why?  There can only be one reason.  O'Biden and the idealogues he works for and with were hoping that a Justice or two could be shaken from their intended vote.  And by "shaken," I mean, by any means necessary.  Including an assassination or two.

One was attempted awhile back, you might know.  You might know it if you watch the right news channels.  For if you watch the wrong ones, such as MSPMS and the Clinton News Network, you'd never know.  Because they never reported it.  Neither did the "alphabets," ABC/CBS/NBC/PBS/and NPR.  I guess they just didn't want their serfs to know...

They really screwed up and I know they know it.  Had a Justice been "offed,"  O'Biden and his gang of sycophants would have issued the obligatory words of sorrow.  Boo hoo.  Maybe even a press conference.  Where O'Biden gets to read what somebody else wrote for him.  And then he could have appointed his/her successor.  Which would have been a Liberal activist like Katenji Brown Jackson.  Who so completely removed from reality that she cannot even define the word "woman."  

And that appointment would have necessarily taken a few weeks.  Which would have by design forced the matter past this SCOTUS session, as specified by Congress, and given the Progressives a year to figure out an answer to this fifty year-old question: how do we legally kill our fetuses up to the moment they graduate from the third grade?

To which the only real answer is the one this Supreme Court just delivered.  And that is there's no "Right" to an abortion in the Constitution.  They've looked for it high and low (and I often think "high,") and just cannot find it.  Look for it somewhere else.  Maybe from Amazon or Tesla or Boy Guv Newsom.  Oh, they'll bitch, and they'll bark, and they'll whine and whimper.  But they'll just have to come to terms with the facts; no amount of not following the law got a Conservative Justice murdered.

Talk about the gang that couldn't shoot straight!  This gang can't even get somebody ELSE to shoot straight!

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