Tuesday, July 26, 2022

"Climate Crisis"

I'd like to know exactly which likely college freshman decided that convincing the world that we're all gonna' die in a fiery Hell from "Global Warming," or "Climate Change," Or "Climate Chaos," or "Climate Crisis," or whatever they're choosing to call it these days.

And if he (or she, or "it") was surprised that it became the banner behind which the Democrat Party united.

I'd like to know also when and where those who design the platform for the Democrat Party decided that they had such a paucity of goodies to give their constituents that "Climate Crisis" was going to become their Number One Goal!

Recognizing, I'm absolutely certain, that it ranks at less than 1% of that which concerns Americans on national polls these days.  And that the other stuff the Democrats are fussing and fuming about are also farrrr down the list of concerns ordinary Americans are expressing.

And not recognizing that America is the lowest polluting Country on Earth, according to its population size!   Down from 28% of all the Earth's atmospheric pollutants to now 23%!  In other words, preferring to basssssh America instead of the countries that are responsible for the pollution.  Like China and India, which are responsible for more than 53% of atmospheric pollutants!  China's responsible for more than 35% all by its lonesome!  

So why, I ask again, with utmost facetiousness, why aren't those who are predisposed to marching and chanting and protesting, doing their marching and chanting and protesting in front of the Chinese Embassy or the Indian Embassy?  

That would be "red dot" Indians, not "woo woo" Indians...

So why, I ask facetiously as only a post-graduate facetiousness expert can ask, why is the "Legacy Media" covering all this nonsense?  Don't they remember that just last year we had record-breaking heat in the Southwest, causing blackouts all over Texas?  No?  And don't they recall the record-breaking floods that drowned Houston?  No?  Basically, this is an attack on our collective sanity by those with short-term memory problems!!!  

So what we have to do is, ready?  Just stop listening to them!  They don't matter anyway.  They are just the "MainStreamMedia," that reports only what they consider to be the "news," and only that which they want their sycophants to digest.  WE now know what's going on, even if they don't!

So now that I've solved that problem, I'll be working on World Hunger next week...

P.S.  World Peace the week after next.....

1 comment:

  1. Global warming, a.k.a. Climate change...
    474 Mostly peaceful protests but Jan 6 was HORRIBLE...
    24/7 constant bashes on Trump...
    Trump was winning, poll craziness, but don't disbelieve Biden was fairly elected...
    My Body concerning abortion
    BUT MUST force the vax...
    Redefine words like woman, recession...
    Lies, more lies and lies incessantly...
    Border invasion...
    Kill oil while our grid is struggling but let's go electric only cars....
    Shortages including baby formula...
    Gas skyrockets while China gets our reserves...
    Don't believe Biden isn't frail and cognitively declining just becaus he constantly shows it...
    "Basically, this is an attack on our collective sanity by those with short-term memory problems!!!"

    ...And the list can go on and on indefinitely!!!!!


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!