Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Let's Sue the Illegals!

If you're not a Liberal, who watches Liberal TV channels, and reads Liberal newspapers, and talks only with other Liberal friends and associates, you've no doubt heard that the O'Brandon Administration intends to pay foreigners who broke our immigration laws, and perhaps had a child separated from them and misplaced, for a time at least, an amount up to, wait for it...

$450,000 per individual illegal, and up to $1,000,000 per illegal family.  

Ummm, what?  Paying foreigners who broke our laws nearly Half A Million Dollars?  Each?  For breaking our laws?  And suffering family dislocation as a result?  Under the very same laws Obama used to detain illegals during his term?  And often in the very same "cages?"  Are they serious?

Unfortunately, this was not a headline from the "Babylon Bee" (I originally thought it was; I was wrong).  They're serious.  They're so serious about buying votes, from wherever they can, simply arresting illegals and turning them loose to blend into the interior of America, illegally, is no longer enough.  Now, they want to... 

                      PAY THEM!  

And all they can say is it's O'Brandon's Justice Department negotiating with the uber-Liberal ACLU, which has brought some 940 lawsuits on behalf of these law-breakers.  Can you get your brain around that?  Greedy, Anti-American louts!  

So they're saying "It's not us!  It's those other guys!"  They so desperately want to point the finger at Trump.  But it's them.  It's O'Biden and his sycophants, who are running things (does anyone, anywhere actually believe that this scrawny, phlegmatic old goat has any idea what's happening?  Anytime?  Anywhere?  Exactly...).  And they're running amok!  And we've got to stop them!  And we can't wait to vote the bastards out, so let's get creative.  As creative as they are.  So here goes...

I suggest some organization which holds Constitutional Rights dear sue each and every one of these 940 illegal aliens who stand to receive a settlement from this flawed, Orwellian plan, for exactly the same amount they're due to receive.  

For what?  How about for damaging our soil?  Or forcing our Border Agents to become hoteliers?  Or causing our immigration enforcement agents psychological harm?  Or maybe we just charge them $100,000 per hour for lodging while in our Country illegally?  

Plus, I propose we sue the ACLU attorneys $1 Million Dollars for each of these bogus lawsuits they file.  For whatever reason they can come up with.  I suggest "treason," but that might be a bit harsh.  And also sue the O'Brandon Administration for not enforcing our immigration laws.  And for being dumbass idiots.  Whatever.  These actions should not only stop the wheels this socialist train is running full-blast upon, it just might serve to freeze the commie fools at the ACLU from continuing with their anti-American activities (I can hope, can't I?)

Up with this anti-American crap we shall no longer put (with apologies to Yoda)!  The O'Brandon Administration risks the Major Wrath of the American People should these activities continue.  And I'm talking...

Major Wrath... 

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