Sunday, November 28, 2021

Hating on our Jury System...

What follows is a partial list of the famous (and some clearly infamous!) who have come out publicly, stating that they do not agree with, or believe in, our jury system.

The one that's served us well for more than 240 years.  That same one.

It appears the following folks have come by that opinion because one Kyle Rittenhouse, a now-18 year-old kid, was found not guilty by a jury of his peers of defending himself against a mob of felons and criminals and perverts who had threatened to kill him.  Something that used to be not only legal, but encouraged!  Like it's supposed to be.

Ready?  Here goes...

     -  Joe O'Biden, POTUS, for awhile Yet.  He said "The jury has spoken."  Until his handlers got ahold of him.  You know, the puppeteers behind the curtain who trot him out when their wishes need to be conveyed.  He then said he was "...angry and concerned."  Crusty old wimp.  Bag of bones.  Vacuous twit.

     -  Carmala Harris, Vice President, for awhile yet.  She's the one who donated to a fund to bail last summer's rioters out of jail.  Following the Rittenhouse verdict, she, an ex-D.A., offered up the following about our jury system, "There's a lot of work to do yet."

     -  Bill de Blasio (nee Warren Wilhelm, Jr.), aka "Big Bird," aka "Tallest Pile of Puke on Earth," and "Ex-Worst Mayor in the History of these United States."  Also the dumbest.

     -  Keith Olbermann, used-to-be sportscaster, before he became a rabid Leftist loudmouth, hateful dumbass.

     -  Joy(less) Reid, famous for being Black and pissed off.  And also for hating White people.  CNN race-baiter of the 1st Magnitude.  This woman graduated from Harvard, thus severely eroding the value of a Harvard degree.  I've heard they've asked her to stop telling people they had anything at all do with her.

     -  Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), used to be really, really fat, REALLY FAT, lost most of it somewhere, but hasn't bought any new shirts.  He now looks like a circus clown.  Talks like one, too.  

(BTW, what happens to fat when you lose it?  Fat's energy, right?  And you can't destroy energy, right?  We were told that in science class, right?  So it must go somewhere.  My guess is that somebody on the other side of the Earth must gain the weight Fat Jerry lost.  For which I'm guessing they thank him.  Unless it was from his face...)

     -  Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-GA), confused older Black fellow who seems lost most of the time.  Asks the "Congressional Black Caucus" how to vote.  BTW, where's the "Congressional White Caucus?"

     -  Susanna Arquette, used-to-be actress, I think.  I think she also invented "pussy" hats.  Given her acting, I'm pretty sure she'll be known for that most of all.  

     -  LeVar Burton, "C" actor looking for attention.  Used to be Kunta Kente until he changed his name.

     -  Whoopi Goldberg, famous Black woman who spews venom on a TV program called "The View," which I'm told a few folks still watch, offered up that she simply did not care what the jury in the Rittenhouse trial had to say.  "I'm sorry.  The White boy is still guilty of murder!"  With a name like Whoopi, you'd think she'd be happier, wouldn't you?    

     -  And lastly, there's that smarmy little late night host of one of the many TV talk shows polluting our airwaves.  You know the one.  The one who mispronounces his last name because he thinks it's funny.  He stated about Rittenhouse, "If he didn't break the law, then the law needs to be changed."  Spoken like a true "Progressive."  If it doesn't fit your worldview, change it.  That's the same thinking that's resulted in statues of General Lee and Jefferson to be torn down; revisionist history is the history "Progressives" love the best.  'Cause then they get to change it to match their perverted thinking...   

Well now, I'm sure you and the rest of 'Murica are happy to learn the opinions of so many fine folks who didn't bother to watch the trial, or learn why Rittenhouse was not guilty of all the charges.  I did.  Every minute of it.  Being retired, and also an expert on firearms, I had the luxury of focusing intently on the facts.  Those things our loudmouth celebrities seem averse to considering.  Oh wait... 


This just in!  Eleven White people and one lovely Black soul, the jury in a well-publicized trial down south, just found the three White men who hunted down and executed Armaud Arbery...guilty.  Of all charges.  Starting with Malice and Felony Murder.  The three will never breathe a free breath again.  As it should be.  Yes, I watched every available moment of that trial as well.  Something that surely cannot be said about all of those (in)famous folks who will now choose to opine.  And I'm sure there must be many.  

In view of the Arbery trial findings, here's a list of all the celebrities who have now come out against our jury system:


(I'd like every thinking American who believes we still have a chance in Hell as a Country to line up on the left.  All you others who think we're just too far gone, on the right.  Hmmmm.  Thought so.  We may be toast...)



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