Thursday, November 18, 2021


Ted Savandar, the Co-CEO of NETFLIX, apologized profusely to his staff over his "unwise" decision to provide Dave Chapelle with a platform for his little movie.

From what Chapelle says, he shopped his documentary of one of his stand-up performances to every single indy theater in America, as well as every TV and cable outletOnly NETFLIX would air it, he says.  And yet, Savandar's staff was so triggered by his views on transgenderism that they went ballistic.  And so, in the modern-day practice of groveling, Savandar apologized to them, hat in hand.  Not sure for what, free speech still being our operative Constitutional Right and all...

For awhile yet.

Well, that's okay with me.  And Chapelle, apparently.  He's so pissed he's booked 10 venues all across the Fruited Plain to show his film, and deliver a little stand-up, too.  So he'll hopefully get the word out.  What's the word?  Oh, I don't know.  Whatever you and I - and Chapelle - thinks it should be.  For in this Wonderful Land one can harbor unpopular points of view.  Unpopular opinions.  And thanks to the First Amendment, one can still share them.  Widely.  And should.   

Free speech, and all.

Don't like what he says?  Don't watch him.  I personally find some of his views abhorrent, but that's okay; he's still free to share them.

Not sure for how long yet, but as of now, he's still free to share them. 

And on the way out the Digital Door, so to speak, I'd like ask:  Does anyone out there in Internet Land have any idea what the letters "2SLGBTQQIA+" stand for?  I think I know about that whole "LGBTQT" stuff.  But what's the "2S" stand for ?  And the extra "Q?"  And that "A?"  I figure they threw in the "+" in order not to leave anyone out (God!  Don't let them do that!).  But they keep on putting people in!  People whose special identifier with which I don't yet identify.  

So, fellow Pilgrim, get back to me if you know.  And don't worry if you don't.  No doubt they'll change it in the coming weeks, if for no other reason than to keep all of us, ummmm, well, "letter-less" people confused, I'm guessing.  You know, the 98% of us who need no identifier.  Besides 'Murican, that is.  And if you're one of the folks these letters describe, you're invited to comment as well.

You might as well us that "free speech" thing as long as you still have it...    

And, thanks in advance for your help.. 

1 comment:

  1. an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!