Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The War Between the States...

Have you heard about the War Between the States?

No, not that one.  That's the last one.  I'm talking about the Next One...

As memory serves, the last War Between the States was fought because some of our states didn't like or agree with some of the stuff that the other states were doing.  

So they declared war on them.  And the bullets flew.  And the cannons boomed.  And brother killed brother.  And blood flowed like a river.  And nearly a million poor guys met their maker as a result.

That little conflagration was called the (Un)Civil War.

But that War took place during a time when there was no Internet.  No phones, or cars, or TV, or machine guns or fighter planes.  Or nuclear weapons.  And our country sported less than 10% of its current population.

Flash forward from 1865 to 2019.  Some of the states don't like or agree with some of the stuff that the other states are doing, once again.  How about that!  The decisions are being made in highly concentrated geographic areas of our country, i.e. little "bubbles," like New York City and Washington, D.C., far removed from where most of our citizens live, by politically well connected and wealthy elites, who do not reflect the beliefs or desires or mores or folkways of those they endeavor to rule, once again.  And the news of all that activity is being piped out to us, the distant residents, the proletariat, the peons, the "rednecks,"  the Great Unwashed, by the so-called Mainstream Media - who carry their water.

And those distant residents are pissed!  They've been pissed for a long time, and they're still pissed now.  Maybe now more than ever.  They're pissed because they've been ignored, smeared, insulted, maligned, laughed at, disregarded, abused and condescended to by far too many and for far too long.  And, as I said, boy, are they ever pissed! 

After years of suffering through Liberal leadership, America votes for an outsider they believe would  finally return some small measure of power and control to "The People."   And the elites and the MSMedia immediately plot a coup to take down that President, and return power back to the elites.  To the "Swamp."  And those who voted for him have to sit back and watch as the corrupt politicians and MSMedia work overtime, hand-in-hand, to impeach him.  Impeach him and run him from office.  Impeach him a year before the next General Election.  Why?  Because they don't believe they can beat him in 2020, in my opinion, and so they have to destroy him now.  And with him, us

And boy, as I said, are they ever pissed!

Democrats might have difficulty believing it, but those who live between the Sierra Nevada on the left and the Hudson River on the right don't think it's a good idea for boys to shower in girls' restrooms.  And they don't think our history should be rewritten and our statues of past military leaders torn down.  And they don't think that "Global Warming" will put Miami under water in 12 years.  Or 100 years.  And they don't believe that boys should be permitted to compete against girls in sporting events.  And they don't believe that abortions should be available "on demand" for everybody everywhere at anytime, even after birth.  And they don't think people should be able to legally crap on our sidewalks.  And they don't believe that cities or counties or states should be able to "opt out" from Federal laws we all must obey by declaring themselves "sanctuaries."  And they don't believe that success should be punished via onerous taxation so that others can sit on their asses and bitch.  And they don't believe the so-called "MSMedia" tells the whole, unvarnished, unbiased truth...because it doesn't.  But they have no power to change any of this; they are the proletariat.  The peons.  The other-than-important.  The "Deplorables," as Hillary once warned.  That one comment, btw, likely lost her the Election...  

And as I said, boy, are they ever pissed!   

As I'm heading out the door on this little screed, my point having been made...in spades...(can I still stay that?), did you hear about the Democrats "hate" affair with firearms?  Considering that every single Dem 2020 POTUS candidate has stated they'd like to confiscate some of our citizens' legally-acquired weapons, and that one of these days the Dems will be back in power, it's likely also that one of these days those on the Left may also choose to actually undertake a weapons confiscation effort.  That would mean Federal officers, with guns, going out to peoples' houses to collect guns, from people who own gunsHmmmmm.  How do you think THAT might work out?  

My advice to them?  Don't do it.  Because if they do, they'll surely unleash the next "War Between the States."

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