Friday, December 20, 2019

The Only Question Is...

Well, they've gone and done it.

The House Judiciary Committee has voted, down strict Party lines, to impeach Donald J. Trump.

Not for a crime, mind you, which the Constitution requires, but because they could.  And because they could, they did.

Me thinks they may have just opened Pandora's Box...

We all know that Trump will be exonerated in the Senate.  Since it takes two-thirds of the Senate to convict, or 67 Senators, and since the Republicans have 53 nominal members in their Party, and that conjuring up 14 GOP senators to "flip" is not gonna' happen, AND THAT THE DEMOCRATS KNEW ALL THIS BEFORE THEY STARTED THIS ILL-FATED EXERCISE, we all now know that Trump will be exonerated.  Not just found "not guilty," but acquitted, rendering this two and one-half year exercise by the Democrats to hound Trump from office finally over.  For now, at least.  

But Trump's impeachment for other than "Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors," as the Constitution mandates, will surely open up an entirely new problem; impeachment for impeachment's sake.

Who knows?  They just might impeach him again after he wins reelection in 2020!  In fact, Democrat Rep. Al Green, who called for impeaching Trump the day he was inaugurated, has called for impeaching Trump over and over until they get it right.  Hmmmmm.  

That's why I've previously called for the creation of the Department of Impeachment so that we can manage this new activity properly.  Just think:  Every single new president gets inaugurated, and then simulfriggintaneously gets impeached.  Each new president will be forced, due to this short-sighted and injurious decision by the Trump-hating Democrats, to drag the weight of impeachment with him/her/it, while desperately trying to govern.  

Me thinks we may have just run out of reasons to continue this little American experiment...

And now San Fran Nan Pelosi, Madame Speaker, as she's known, is refusing to deliver the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial.  In other words, she's taken the ball and gone on home, at least until January 7th, 2020, the next day Congress is in session.  Law professors, including the one that she invited as a prosecution witness, have opined that there IS no impeachment unless or until the Articles are presented to the Senate, so I guess Trump can skip on down the road as the one and only "almost-but-not-quite-impeached" POTUS in American history.  

So the only question is, when will Netflix sue Trump?  It really should.  He's far more entertaining than it is...

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