Monday, December 30, 2019

Colored People...

I'd like to know just who the colored people are that the National Association For The Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) purport to represent.

Last time I checked, there's was a big fat nobody here in good ol' 'Murica who preferred to be called "colored."  So there's a big fat nobody who wishes to be among the group labeled as "colored people."  Or to be referred to as a member of a group of "colored people."  So if there's nobody who would proclaim themselves to be among the "colored people," who, I'd like to know, does the NAACP exist to benefit?  It is a non-profit, 401(c)(3) public benefit corporation, after all.  So who?

Perhaps the "colored" in "Colored People" was what Blacks were called when this august organization was formed.  Like, 110 years ago.  And perhaps they should have changed the name of the "coloreds" to "Blacks" years ago.  Or, perhaps they're just too damn cheap to change their business cards.  Or some within it are so old they still prefer the old name.  But if so, I'd like to send along a little thought:  Asians and American Indians are "colored."  And Caucasians, like me, are "colored" as well.  I'm sort of a medium beige, as opposed to "White," but hey, we European-Americans out here in the once-Golden State tend to show our tans.  So why aren't we represented by this same outfit?  

Just a thought on the way out the digital door.  Maybe the NAACP should stop representing a "color" and start representing a "goal."  The self-same goal they were formed to represent lo those many years ago.  I think we've had quite enough of "color" politics and the racism that it has historically produced.  

Unless they like continuing to play the victim, that is...

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