Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Department of Impeachment

You'll recall a few postings back when I called for the creation of "The Department of Impeachment."

That was in response to the tug-of-war going on in Foggy Bottom these days.  The Democrats were dead-set on impeaching President Donald J. Trump in an effort to disavow and undo the 2016 General Election.  And the Republicans were busy warning them that doing so would be a really bad idea.  However, given that the trend among the Democrats was to drop the impeachment bomb on Big Bad Orange Man, sooner rather than later, and that they were doing so without any bi-partisan support from the Republicans, the Democrats were poised to become the very first Party in history to impeach a sitting President without ANY bi-partisan support.  

None.  Zip.  Nada.  Zero...

(History?  Sure.  V.P. Andrew Johnson was impeached by a vote of 127 - 47, with 17 abstaining.  In Nixon's case, the Judiciary Committee voted 27 - 11 to approve the Articles of Impeachment, with 7 Republicans joining in with the majority.  The Chuckmeister does his research!)  

And it's happening again today.

And so I felt...and feel...that they, the Democrats, have opened Pandora's Box.  Impeaching an opponent without any support at all from the opposing Party is not only not what our Founding Fathers had envisioned, it will set the stage for the impeachment of the very next president, and all the ones after that, no matter what Party he or she (or "it" - gotta' remember California!) belongs to, and no matter whether there's a reason.  In short, one of these days there's going to be a Democrat President and a Republican-controlled House.  And you can bet your sweet bippy that impeachment will ensue...

Sooooo, I, the Chuckmeister, hereby suggest that we put together the Department of Impeachment right now, so that it's all polished up and ready to use in 2024 or 2028 or 2096.  Or whenever the Democrats next convince enough people in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan to vote for them.  And all the other states as well, but those states particularly, since they're the ones that put The Donald in the Oval Office (thanks, Hillary!).

Just think:  The Democrats, aided by their hippppmotiiizzed hand maidens in the Dinosaur Media, started impeaching Trump the day he was inaugurated.  The New York Post's headline on January 20, 2017, openly stated, "The Impeachment of Trump has Now Begun."  California Dem. Rep. "Mad Max" Waters started her "Peach fawty-fie!  Peach fawty-fie!" on that very day, and hasn't stopped prattling on about it since.  Dem. Rep. Al Green has openly stated that they must impeach The Donald right away, lest he win again in 2020.  In short, it's no surprise that they wound up impeaching Trump.  They've been planning for it, as Speaker San Fran Nan Pelosi just stated, "...for the past 22 months.  For the past two and a half years!"  

(A gaffe, remember, is Washington-speak for that rare occasion when a politician accidentally tells the truth...)

Oh, there's other examples.  Many of them.  So, I suggest we just accept the fact that observing Constitutional niceties will no longer be observed.  From now on, it's all-out war!  Open hostilities abound!  So why not simply recognize that fact and prepare the necessary administrative and procedural groundwork so that the impeachment hammer can be dropped as soon as possible following the next Democrat president's inauguration.  In fact, I'm thinking the Inaugural Ball might be a good place to announce them...  

Can't you just see it?  A bunch of Congressweenies following the POTUS around with a pen and paper, just waiting for him/her/it to do something...anything...that might warrant impeachment.  Anything!  It doesn't matter what, given that the standard is now impeach-away without the need for any of those hard-to-find "High crimes and misdemeanors."

In fact, on the way out the figurative door, I suggest we also pass a law changing the definition of what it takes to get impeached, right now, ahead of need.  Instead of "Treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors," I suggest we now proclaim it to be "Rudeness, unnecessary phone calls, and other low crimes and possible infractions."     

There.  Another sticky problem solved.  You can expect nothing less from The Chuckmeister...

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