Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Markle-Free" News

Put simply, I could use some Markle-free news.

And some JLo-free, and Ben-free, and every other celebrity who infests my computer.  

That's because I watch the news a lot.  I admit to that, given there's not a whole of other stuff available for an older guy to do.  An older, "mobility challenged" guy, as Queen Elizabeth II used to say.  And since I can't run and jump anymore, and can't afford to go out of my house and actually purchase anything, watching the world unfold via my 70" bigscreen TV from 8' away is a pretty good second choice. 

And what I'd like to know, from you, my Fellow Patriots, is if you know of a news channel that focuses on, you know, the news.  Like it used to be.  And still should be.

I mean I'm looking for an Internet news channel that does not post a "Breaking News" every time Jennifer Lopez takes a dump.  Or her used-to-be, then-was, and now used-to-be-again husband Ben drives anywhere near that other Jennifer in his life.  That he was, and then wasn't, and maybe now is, his girlfriend.  Or future wife.  Or steady squeeze.  Or psychiatrist.  Or confidant.  I don't know, and I don't care.  That whole "Bennifer" thing made me want to puke.  It also took up about 20% of the entire new feed.

Please, a news channel without Bennifer!

And then there's that whole Harry and Markle thing.  She hunted him down like a lion hunts a wounded gazelle.  She saw him as a black widow sees a fly.  And she brought him down.  Using her no doubt terrific feminine wiles.  He's a big dummie, who leads with the wrong "head."  She's a predator.  And everybody but him knows he's the most pus*y whipped dude on Earth. 

She made him try and bring down the Royal Family because she wasn't as glorified as Kate, and he wasn't going to be King.  He was the "Spare," after William.  Just in case Will dropped dead.  Or maybe needed a kidney.  So why not just bolt from all the selfless duties accruing to the Royal Family and open up shop in Montecito, she was thinking?  In a cozy little $11,000,000, 9,000 ft. mansion.  And then try and make bank off her "title."  Which King Charles could take away in a heartbeat.  

And should.

So where can I find a news channel without these losers?  They are whiny, whimpering ex-nobody's who play themselves as the victims.  To a citizenry who are going into bankruptcy trying to feed themselves.  And we know different.  Markle will dump Harry the instant he's no longer a Michelin 3-Star meal ticket.  And then write a book about how she was terribly mistreated by the Royal Family because she's "Black."  She'd be gone the instant he ever lost that title.  Which his daddy will never do.  If for no other reason than it would unfairly punish his grandchildren.  So we'll have a "B-List" TV sort-of-Star in exile, and a long-suffering near-King, always complaining about the way it should have been.  Had his zygote been hatched first.  Or had she caught Will before Kate did.

It's tough to be almost great...  

And it's also tough trying to learn what's happening in the world when these turkeys keep clotting up your TV set.  DM me if you know where I can get the news without getting a dose of Markle or Ben...  

Friday, September 13, 2024

How Much Would You Have to Hate a City?

A State?  Or even a Nation?

My friend Geoff just passed along a video from an activist in San Francisco.  He recorded Fisherman's Wharf and the area Surrounding it as it exists today.  A painful 20 minutes or so showing us all what happens when we let the inmates run the asylum.  Because our Constitutionally-appointed "MainStreamMedia" won't do it.  I was frankly astounded.  And sickened.  And angered...

I used to "live" in San Francisco.  Back when living there meant you had arrived.  The pinnacle!  You'd studied, and worked, and sweated, and performed.  And now you'd arrived!  You'd "Moved On Up!"  Great views, great food, great (wierd) people, semi-great weather.  Why would anyone want to destroy this jewel?  

Actually, my company moved me to the Los Angeles area way back when, but I discovered being based out of SFO was more convenient to my travel schedule.  Which was the world.  So I got a tiny apartment above Compagnola's, right off the Wharf.  I'd fly up Sunday evenings sometimes, better preparing me to embark on my sales trips the next day.  To NYC, or STL, or SEA, or CHI, or DAL, or DEN, or PHL.  Or Canada.  Or Mexico.  I did that "flying out" more than 100 times while I was flying for a living (2,000,000 air miles over 7 years of plane-a-day!).  Before I could settle down and stop living in airport lounges.

The City by the Bay.  The most beautiful city in all of America.  And the one most cosmopolitan.  Our Toronto.  Our Venice.  Our Paris.  Just a smallish little city of 400,000 or so.  Nestled up next to the Ocean.  Ringed by low hills.  A grown-up fishing village, which tourists chose to adopt.  And Liberals chose to remain (Summer of Love, and all that).  Warm and friendly by day, cool and foggy by night.  Clam chowder and sourdough bread.  Crab and swordfish and cioppino.  Fog blanketing everything.  Seals by the hundreds.  Alcatraz.  Kooky panhandlers.  Sidewalk jugglers.  The smell of fish.  Nothing else like it.  

(In fact, I used to sing in a band during my college days.  Not very well, but the drunks didn't care.  Anything to get by.  And my signature sign-off song was "I left my heart..."  Tony  Bennett's swan song.  I must have sung that song 500 times.  Several V.O. and Gingers made my voice sound tolerable.) 

The best restaurants in America were in San Francisco.  Except maybe for New Orleans.  But that's for a later discussion.  I love Szechuan cooking, and SFO is where to find it.  It will remove a layer of skin from your tongue, and that's just the first bite.  There were a dozen such restaurants there, all in a row.  And I haunted them all.  

That was then, this is now...

The video Geoff sent me showed that nearly every single restaurant and business surrounding Fisherman's Wharf is now closed!  

Alioto's is closed, a restaurant that first opened in 1915.  Scoma's is now closed.  Perhaps my favorite restaurant in all the world.  Boudin's famous sourdough bread place is closed.  It's been there more than 100 years.  All of the restaurants surrounding Fisherman's Wharf are now closed.  Boarded up.  As if preparing for a hurricane.  Including Companola's, with 112 years of history.  Imagine that:  Two World Wars couldn't kill it.  The Great Depression couldn't kill it.  But BoyGuv ("Hairgod") Newsom killed it.  And the socialist mayors and governors before him helped kill it.  And the highest Minimum Wage and operating costs in the Nation, killed it.    

We used to run America for the benefit of the majority.  While also lending a hand to those less advantaged.  Now?  We now run our Country for the 5% who are aggrieved, and for the illegal aliens pouring in, while ignoring the needs or the will of that majority.  Not even for its Veterans.  To whom we owe not only a debt of gratitude, we owe them our Freedom... 

30% of America's homeless are basing themselves in Taxifornia.  Our great Mediterrean weather brings them in droves.  And more than 40% of those 30% are sleeping on the Streets of San Francisco.  And pissing.  And shit*ing.  Living in squalor.  Shooting up cheap drugs, and then zoning out for hours.  Or dying.  Clotting up the sidewalk.  The smell of urine, and feces, and rotten food, and body odor, and stale fish permeates the atmosphere.  

Their "Poop Patrol" wanders around picking up feces from the sidewalk.  They patrol in their Teslas looking for piles of crap.  The human kind.  And there were 78,000 such instances in 2022, the most recent statistics available.  Imagine:  78,000 piles of sh*t.  That job starts you out at $79,000 a year.  Which isn't enough to live there, so many of them are living in their cars.

Oh yeah, a high school diploma is not required.

And crime.  We simply must talk a bit about crime.  SFO is now crime central.  The Westfield Mall I spoke of earlier is now closed.  Along with all the other stores it served to anchor.  Including a 37 screen multiplex.  And the 43 stores who bailed on their leases.

Muggings are routine.  Stores no longer report shoplifting.  The City suffers more than 60 broken car windows a day.  When your car window's broken there and you call 911, they no longer send out a cruiser.  Because they likely don't have one to send.  They just pay for your window from a Taxpayers' fund they've created.  More than 180 car windows broken on a record day there recently.  

This is where Kamala Harris crawled her way up the food chain...

And swarms of thieves ransacking high-end stores.  The ones that remain, that is.  Emptying a "Coach" store in less than 90 seconds recently.  $890,000 worth of product.  Which is then sold on the Internet.  And nobody seems to care.  Catch them, you ask?  You can "legally" steal up to $949.00 a day, per store, without fearing a felony.  If they happen to have a cop around, and he decides to nab you (big "if"), it's a $50.00 fine.  And if you don't show up for court?  No mechanism to go out and pick you up.  Just fuggetttaboutit!  

17 of the City's 34 drug stores have closed.  Rite Aid has gone bankrupt.  Walgreens' is close behind.  CVS has everything not yet stolen locked up behind Plexiglas.  They can no longer afford to stay open.   

But wait!  What if you get caught trying to rob some poor old Veteran and a cop cannot avoid arresting you?  Well, Kamala's "NO CASH" bail will put you back on the street before the cop has finished up your booking sheet.  Which is why cops are avoiding arrests.  And why cops are fleeing the City.  Might as well just sit back and watch the akshun, right?  Safer that way.  And you don't get paid extra for doing your job "with conviction."  In a City that thinks cops are the enemy.  

San Francisco is a failed city.  Musk just noticed everyone he's moving "X" from the City.  He already removed Tesla, and TeslaX, and SpaceX from the once-Golden State.  He moved them to Texas, of course.  And more than 100 other Fortune 1,000 companies have bailed as well.  Many of them headquartered in SFO.    

Walking the streets there will get you killed.  Knifed, shot, bludgeoned.  Being robbed is an everyday occurrence.  You step over druggies.  And feces.  And needles.  You must walk in the streets in order to get to your school, or the hospitals, or even City Hall.  A SF 49'er rookie was just shot over his Rolex.  In broad daylight!  Thankfully he lived, but the kid who shot him didn't care.  BTW, the prosecuters there don't believe the attempted murderer intended to murder him.  Just shoot him.  Which is okay, I guess.  Which downgrades the charge to the unintended aggravated misapplication of a pointy object.  So he'll likely be out on bail by the time you read this.

How much would you have to hate a City, or a State, in order to bring down such a disaster upon it?  And it's not like it happened overnight.  It's been happening for more than a decade.  Slowly, inexoriably.  And how much would you have to hate America in order to infect it with CA?  

Kamala Harris was elected Attorney General of Taxifornia.  And she was in charge when Prop. 42, the law that permitted open shoplifting and "no cash" bail, was passed.  She sponsored all the "Green New Deal" legislation.  She was the deciding vote on it.  If Kamala Harris is elected, San Francisco values will permeate the White House.

And America will be history...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Not Jealous, But in Awe...

Somehow I was okay with simply looking down my aquiline nose at Elon Musk and his manifold accomplishments.

Harummmph!  Who cares?

So he managed to build, and sell, a bunch of electric cars.  Like, 2,000,000 of them.  And start a company that bores giant holes through the ground.  All the way under Las Vegas.  And shoots rockets into space.  Hundreds of them.

I mean, other people have shot rockets into space, right?  Goddard.  And NASA.  And Boeing.  But dayummm!  I became a fan the day I saw his boosters fire up their reentry rockets to slow their descent, and land on a ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

The booster rockets.  Those things that NASA used to let fall into the sea.  They help make a rocket launch cost $60,000,000, at current levels.  Recapturing, refurbishing and reusing the boosters lowers the cost of rocket launches by more than 75%! 

And landing on a "Drone Ship."  With nobody on it.  Unmanned.  Say wha...?

Musk is famous for a number of things.  Being a high-functioning autistic, for one.  I'd say VERY high-functioning, wouldn't you?

He's famous in my book for having also proven the American Dream.  He's reputed to arrived here from his native South Africa with $500, a suitcase, and the desire to succeed.  He parlayed the $Millions he got from the sale of PayPal into SolarCity.  Which the Gubmint helped him sell.  He then single-handedly invented the Plug-in-Electric car market with the Tesla.  Which the Gubmint helped him sell.  And it's now worth more than all the other American car manufacturers, together!  

And he's famous for having fathered 11 children, so far.  And I'll bet he's going for more.  One of them is even named "X."  He just found another girlfriend, with the strange name of Adakirikiri, so more babies are no doubt on the way.

And he's famous for not owning a house.  He just sleeps on his friends' couches.  Or under a table in his HQ conference room.  He says the time and attention it would take to design and build a mansion, is better put to use landing Americans on Mars.   

But we know he possesses a personal net worth of more than $255,000,000,000 (with a "B") $Dollars.  And Tesla is supposed to grant him a payday real soon of another $57,000,000,000.  A bonus.  For doing a good job, I'm guessing.  I read somewhere that he'll be a $Trillionaire by 2030.  

I am not jealous.  But I am in awe...

Monday, September 9, 2024

"It Was At That Moment That I Knew..."

I remember the day like it was three hours ago.

I'd lived my life up until that day apolitically.  No special preference for one party over the other, except to say my leanings were always Conservative.  As someone from the Upper Midwest most often tends to be...

I was like most folks in their 20's or 30's.  Those who had yet to start making the $Big Bucks, so they had yet to be raped in the paycheck.  I was too busy trying to make my mark in business to spend too much time on politics back then.  My wife and I had just started a bidness and I had no time for atmospherics.  I kept my head down and charged ahead.

I moved to California when it was still Bright Red, I should say.  So I didn't have too much worry about how they were managing my State.  Gubmental intrusion was low, and so were the taxes.  So I left it to the Professionals to run my Golden State.

While I, The Chuckmeister, luxuriated in its riches.  Its manifold blessings, which I'll attribute to God until somebody can prove me different.  You could snow ski in the morning, and water ski in the afternoon.  Kids in hot rods were cruising the streets and people hadn't yet decided to pay $9.00 for a cup of coffee.  That infernal Internet had yet to be invented so folks spent their time talking to each other.  Nobody was coming for the 2nd Amendment, Freedom of Speech had broken out, and we were all left to create our own image of success.  

Two terms of Reagan, two terms of Wilson, what's not to like?  And then I watched the Tonight Show with Johnnie Carson one night.  Late 1993 or '94, I think it was.  He had Julia Roberts on as a guest.  It was right after "Pretty Woman" so she was riding high.  She volunteered during the interview that she was a Bright Blue Democrat.  And that; 

"We could find Republicans in the dictionary by looking between "Reptile" and "Reprehensible.' 

I was stunned!  To think that a celebrity, someone who earns her bloated living at the whim of the public, would volunteer an opinion designed to insult half the population, outraged me.  And astonished me!  To think she'd be so stupid, so unaware of the reality just outside that artificial "bubble" in which she lives, to stick her Jimmy Choos down her pampered throat.  

As I was flying on bidness a lot back then, and had no time for hobbies, I chose to write down the names of every actor and celebrity who openly and publicly shot off their mouths in public and showed their disdain, their hatred, for all things Republican.  And Conservative.  When my list grew to 300, I gave up...  

It became obvious to me: Hollywood is filled to the brim with Liberal Democrats.  Or socialists.  Or Marxists.  Or communists, whatever.  I don't even think they know.  In fact, I think they try and Out-Lib each other in order to insure those cocktail party invites keep coming.  It may even be that those leaning Conservative try and hide it so as to fit in.  We've all suspected that so-called "artists" tend to be a bit Leftoid, right brain and all that, but I didn't think they'd admit it!  Even be proud of it!

And it's gotten worse ever since.  Not a day passes without one of the many loudmouth Hollywood types lighting a fire under their own image.  Their own reputation.  Saying stuff to impress each other that's heard across the Fruited Plain!  And them being so  unaware.  To think!  There are movie theaters in Grand Island, Nebraska, and Little Rock, Arkansas, and Fort Worth, Texas!  

Did you see Speilberg and Clooney helping to "select" our new POTUS?  I wonder if they know that the reason their business is crashing and burning is because they've ceased being actors and artists and started being politicians?  And that they've alienated the movie-going public in the process?  

We, the movie-going and entertainment-consuming Public, don't need to be taught, or lectured, or browbeaten, or looked down upon.  We spend our money to be entertained.  If they won't give it to us, the way we want it, we'll get it somewhere else.

And we are.

As much as I disagree with Tom Cruise from a lifestyle standpoint, I recall a statement he made one morning on the "Today Show."  When asked his position on a political issue he said, "I'm an actor.  I keep my opinion to myself.  That way I don't turn off half the population."  No wonder he's been so successful.

Other Hollywierdos should take Tom's advice.  But they don't.  And they won't.  Because they're talking only to each other, not us.  

As we go into the Election Season, just make note of all the uber-Libs who promise to move out of the Country if Big Orange is reelected.  Cher and Babs have already weighed in, and so has Rosie O'.  There will be more. 

I hope this time they'll keep their promise... 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

You Have to be Taught...

It's my belief that you have to be taught to be Patriotic.

And you have to be taught to honor your elders.  And to obey the law.  And to treat others as you wish to be treated.  And to love God and avoid sin wherever it raises temptations.  And to be a good citizen, a good parent, and a Freedom-Loving Patriot.

You don't come down the chute knowing these things.  

I was raised at a time and in a part of our Country where that was all a given.  Nobody locked their doors.  Everybody was armed.  Attending church was the thing to do.  

I became a Cub Scout at the age of 8.  

That's the earliest you can join.  Two years later I became a Tenderfoot, which is preparatory to becoming a Boy Scout.  I joined Scouting at the age of 12.  And loved it.

Scouting teaches you the "Golden Rule."  Sharing is absolute.  Country and God before self.  It teaches you to Be Prepared.  And to love America.  I learned to hunt, and fish, and to build a campfire without matches.  I became self-sufficient.  I learned to take care of myself, and others should the situation warrant.

And later, when I was in the Army, it did.  Many times.  

But most of all, it taught me that I was among the Earth's lucky 5%.  Those fortunate enough to have been born and live in the United States of America.  A Country most believe to have been graced by God.  

Whether others choose to believe it or not...

After soaring through the Scouting ranks I was awarded the Eagle Badge.  Fewer than 5% of Scouts attain that rank.  Plus, I was awarded the God and Country Award and two Oak Leaf Clusters.  

I then became an Explorer Scout, Scouting's elder statesmen.  And the teachers of those just coming up.  I became an Assistant Scoutmaster and served as one for two more years.  In that role it was my job to pass along to the "Tenderfeet" all the lore I'd inculcated.  All the things necessary to help turn a young boy into a young man...  

I loved Scouting, at least the way it was.  I gather it's focus has changed, and so has America's.  And that's tragic, because the fabric of our society has been rent.

Look around you.  Is this what we want for our Country?  We hire people to clean our houses, while dirtying up our environment.  A trip to Lost Angeles is like a trip to the garbage dump.

The scourge of an Open Society like ours is we can choose to teach our kids what it takes to be a law-abiding, Patriotic American, or not.  And lately, it appears...NOT!

Those we put in authority can choose to remove the Pledge of Allegiance from our classrooms.  The ACLU can sue us and force the removal of that age-old affirmation.  They can also remove our National Flag from our classrooms.  Under the belief that it might "offend" somebody or other.  And also requiring our teachers to teach all the reasons why our kids should be Patriotic.  Starting with our One Million Lives Lost in the pursuit of continued Freedom.  A delight shared by No Other Country.  

Like I said, those "We" put in authority.  And "We" can take that authority back if it's being used inappropriately.  And I believe that it is.

BTW, I've lived in what used to be the Golden State for almost 50 years.  And I've yet to see an advertisement for the Boy Scouts.  I don't even see kids walking around with Scout uniforms.  What once was a given, it appears is now not even an option.  

How sad...

Yes, today's society can choose to pass along the reasons why our children should be Patriotic.  Or not.  And if it's "not," then America no longer exists...

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Our War Against Tyranny!

Would you like to eliminate the $20.00 Minimum Wage and Fight Back against Taxifornia's involvement in raising Fast Food prices?  

It's simple:  Stop eating fast food for a month.

For those of you lucky enough to live someplace else besides the Peoples Republic of Taxifornia, here's an update on our latest foolishness.  The one where our dufus BoyGuv Newsom raised the MinWage for fast food workers to $20.00 an hour.  From $15.00 an hour.  But only for brands with 60 or more stores.  

Which basically wrings all of the profit out of owning one of these franchises.  And BoyGuv could care less.

Did you know that there are 1,222 MickeyD's in Taxifornia?  Yep, Fellow Patriots, CA features a total of 9% of all of MickeyD's total restaurants.  And it's total income.  So the owners of these McD's franchises are being held hostage by a socialist governor.  Who believes he can do anything without a consequence.

He's wrong

The ignorant elitist bozo who pretends to run this unmanageable State tried to buy the votes of 500,000 MinWage fast food workers (yes, that's how many there are in Taxifornia) by mandating, LEGISLATING, a $20.00 an hour Minimum Wage.

That's 3 x the National average!  It stands at $7.25 right now.  Except in Taxifornia.  Where BoyGuv Newsom tripled it.  To try and win the votes of one-half million workers.  

He didn't expect to get the votes of those who owned those MickeyD's, and Wendy's, and Subways, and Burger Kings, BTW.  He already knows they're not going to vote for him.  But he expects to get the votes of those half million fast food workers.

Who probably have a degree from Haaaavid.  Or Yale.  Or maybe Princeton.  And they're now saying, "Would you like fries with that?"  And they're now bitching because they aren't making enough money flipping burgers or delivering other peoples' food to pay off their student loans.  And the "Cackler-in-Chief" is hoping to also buy their votes by transferring their promised loan payback onto our taxpayers.  

How quaint.

Just so you know, the average McD's owner must invest a minimum of $1.2 and as much as $2.4 Million to open one of their franchises.  And their franchise fee is $45,000, BTW.  And they must show they have $750,000 in liquid capital before they can qualify.  And their average earnings, after tax, is only $186,000.  Invest $2,000,000 and earn $186k.  That's only 0.9% Return on Investment, BTW.  That ain't much!  

You can get a better return from your local bank.  Which is about 1% right now.  

The owners of these restaurants have already begun their response.  They're cutting hours of operation.  They're cutting employee hours.  They're investing in automation, such as kiosks and auto-pay windows.  They're shutting down dining rooms.  They're implementing AI.  And they're raising menu prices an average of 10%.  On top of several other increases over the past couple of years.  Making fast food unaffordable for those who used it most.

$18.99 for a Happy Meal?  Ummm, no.

Imagine what would happen if nobody bought a burger from one of these places for an entire month?  Imagine the fiscal hit the various cities would take?  And to BoyGuv without their tax revenue?  Imagine the earthquake that would happen to all their food and beverage suppliers?  Do you think maybe these businesses would be marching on Sacrascrewyou?  How about those 500,000 now unemployed workers?  On BoyGuv's mansion's front doorstep, maybe?

And the very worst part of this is that Taxifornia represents 15% of our once-Great Country.  So there will be pressure from the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) to make this terrible error go Nationwide.  Because this infernal Union will then be able to charge dues from the now higher paid employees.  

That's all they care about.  

And just so you know how we got here, the SEIU invested more than $60 Million Dollars of their members' dues over a 10 year period to try and force McDonalds to void their franchise agreements.  Since they've got BoyGuv in their back pocket, they've succeeded.

So now it's up to us, the customers.  Fight back!  Refuse to do business with any of these places until the prices come down.  And if they don't, let's try making a sack lunch.  Again.  We used to do it.  We can do it again.  This of it as our War Against Tyranny!  Try cooking at home for a few months and see how they like it?  You'll see how quickly they back off from these insane policies...

And if they don't, there'll be a lot of uneaten hamburgers, and you'll be $Dollars ahead...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The "Black Semites"

You've likely noticed that the brashest, most blustery and loudest bully usually winds up running the show.  

That's why Caesar was able to take over Rome.  And Hitler was able to take over Germany.  And pro-p(small "p")alestinians were able to take over our college campuses.  And our city streets.  And apparently a number of our dumbest 20-somethings.  

A small contingent of very loud, very entitled terrorists trying to burn down city hall.  It's been happening since the beginning of time in poorly-run republics, like ours, enabling bullies to take over.  And in all the poorly-run states which kowtow to loud, obnoxious bullies.  

So now they're disrupting polite society on our campuses once again.  Which brings me to suggest:    

You know how the Iranians have that "Green Brigade" thing to do their heavy-duty killing, right?  Not just shooting people on the street for failing to wear a hijab, but the targeted stuff.  The assassinations and bombings and poisonings and rocketing villages and such.    

Those are truly scary guys.

They wear green berets and scarves and sport black uniforms with masks to hide their faces.  They look particularly evil, what with their AK-47's and cartridge belts and machetes.  You'd probably poop your pants if a squad of these killers came for you.

The Jews, who I've written are complicit to a degree in their own misery because they make such terrific victims, need to start fighting back.  They need to finally accept that a medical doctor degree or a law degree or a PhD doesn't insulate them from racial or religious politics.  They need to put together a "green brigade" of their own.  Right now!  And I suggest they call it...

            The "Black Semites!"

So we get a bunch of Gen-Z-aged Jews to volunteer for this thankless, but existential job.  The job of defending a population, a race, really, and a religion.  Made up of folks who've done nothing to earn it.  Other than make such good victims.  

Maybe we can find some MMA fighters who just happen to also be Jews.  Maybe we can get those guys to lead our patrols.  Tough sumbitches with a little judo and karate training and such.  Maybe we import some IDF soldiers, battle-hardened and ready to lead our band of opinion-changers.  And then turn them loose to go forth and start taking back our colleges and Big Cities.


So imagine 500 or 1,000 or so of 20- and 30-somethings all dressed in black, with black berets.  Hence the name.  And each of them in flackjackets, with bear spray, and hammers.  And batons.  And numchuks.  And knives.  And face masks.  With mirrored sunglasses.  Worn even at night.  Especially at night.  

                    Every Night.

Oh yeah, the sunglassses will pay homage to our fear(ful) ex-leader, Joe O'Biden (who's running the Country, again?).  A guy who has apparently retired.  I've just computed that he's been on vacation a total of 383 days, so far.  Just a bit over 41% of his total term.  Now all he's doing is sucking up campaign cash.  So if I've got it right, the lady who took three tries to pass the bar, and never had a real job, and never signed a check on its face, and never ran so much as a 7/11, is now Running the Country.  

While also campaigning.  Really?   

But back to the proposal.  Picture teams like this of 20 or 30 patroling the streets of Lost Angeles and New Yawk and ChicaGO looking for Bad Guys.  Those identified as "Bad" because they're doing bad things.  Like beating up Jews for no other reason than the fact that they're Jewish.  Maybe paying special attention to areas around the synagogues.  And the Diamond District.  And anywhere Jews choose to congregate.  Like on the campus of Columbia University.    

And when they find  Bad Guys they scoop they up and deliver them to the police.  Who will then deliver them to the District Attorney.  Who will then turn them loose at the Speed of Light.  Because the D.A. in L.A. was bought and paid for by George Soros.  Who's a Jew but apparently hates Jews.  Another oxymoron we normal folks are left to unravel.  

Oh yeah, he's the guy financing all the HAM ASS and anti-Israel protests on our Ivy League college campuses.  He also hates America and wants to help secure its downfall.  And so does his son Alex, who's running all his anti-American organizations.  And we sit back and let them do it.  

That's the scourge of an Open Society.

(NOTE TO SELF:  Idea for a screenplay.  George Soros lives in an enormous compound on the South Shore of Long Island.  You take a right at Exit 54 on the Long Island Expressway, drive a few miles South and you'll run right into it.  I know.  I've done it.  I'm thinking we have a rogue Conservative hero pilot who hates socialist pricks, swipes an A-10 Close Support Attack Aircraft, load it down with incendiary rockets, then do a low-level attack run on George's place.  Singing Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville" as he unleashes a barrage...) 

And those Bad Guys the D.A. releases?  The cops will just arrest them again.  And again.  And again.  Perhaps with a little facial rearrangement thrown in each time.  And our "Black Semites" could serve as a sort of posse.  Helping our put-upon, underfunded, undermanned police maintain Public Order.  Or at least that's the way we'd "sell" it.    

And if they encounter resistance?  Resistance will be met with equal force.  Backed by 500 willing participants.  Or maybe 1,000.  In every Big Blue City...

Get it?

That's why you need more than a sprinkling of cowering Jewish students in universities filled with a sea of White, Anglo-Saxon Protestants with rich daddies.  Who are guilt-laden because of their "privilege."  And a few busloads of out-of-town Muslims thrown in.  Beating the crap our the Jewish students.  And the occasional Black and Chinese and Transgender wierdos thrown in for color.  All orchestrated by Iranian terrorists. 

And we're permitting that to occur.   

We need the Jews to stand up and protect themselves like Italians would.  Or the Irish.  Or the Germans.  Any of whom would swing back if attacked.  And I'd say fighting back would likely END the constant effort to erradicate them from our landscape.

They should punch those bullies in the face.  Over and over and over.  Until they stop being a boil on the butt of humanity.  And a few thousand "Black Semites" spread among the Biggest and Bluest Cities might just bring that about...*  

There.  Another problem solved.  Any more questions?  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

The "Makers" vs. the "Takers."

If you venture to Google or Wikipedia or even Websters' New Collegiate Dictionary (I actually saw one of those the other day!) and ask for the core values of Democrats vs. Republicans, this is a summary of what you'll see:

Republicans:  (aka "Conservatives").  They like things more or less the way they are, and never desire change solely for its own sake.  That includes keeping taxes low, our Gubmint small and responsive, our borders secure, men out of womens' sports (why do we even have to ask?), no unnecessary abortions, keeping the 1st and 2nd and 4th and 5th Amendments and the Bill of Rights to our Constitution strong, our police fully funded, criminals all locked away and our military top notch.  

Democrats:  (aka "Liberals," "Progressives," "Socialists," "communists," "Marxists." and of course, "LGBTQ- ABC123+++'s").  They're never happy with things the way they are and are always open to change.  They believe in high taxes, so long as someone else is forced to pay them.  They want their Gubmint BIG,  their taxes HIGH, White people and Jews in the back of the bus, transgenders everywhere, men beating the crap out of women in sports, abortions legal until the 3rd grade, our Borders Wide Open, Veterans treated like crap, our military underfunded, Free Speech and Firearm Ownership and the Right to be Secure in your Papers and Effects abolished, and Citizenship for everyone!  Come on in! 

There it is:  The Right vs. the Left.  The "Conservatives" vs. the "Liberals."  The "Ying" vs. the "Yang."  Those who like it the way it is, or "was," and want to turn back the clock, and those who want to change it for the (perceived) "better," even if it destroys America.  For which they appear to have great disdain.  Like "packing" the Supreme Court.  Which they universally desire.  And eliminating the filibuster.  Which they universally desire.  Resulting in the age-old battle between the "haves" and the "have-nots."

And as you know, I'm a student of such things.  And I've managed to summarize this entire political battle in the following way:

"Conservatives have worked hard for what they've got, and they want to keep it."


"Liberals don't want to work at all, and believe the Gubmint owes them a living."   

There you have it.  The "Makers" vs. the "Takers."  The "Makers" in our society, those who produce products and services of value, for which people are willing to work and pay money.  Let's say the top 5% of income earners, are you ready for it?  Pay 41% of all Federal Income Taxes.  The "Takers," the bottom 48.5% of income earners in our society, pay $00.00 of all Federal Income Taxes.  

As in, none.  Yet, they have a full vote come Election Day.

Ummmm, do you think that's fair?  I mean, "they" talk incessantly about the "rich" failing to pay their "fair share."  Is 37% of every dollar they earn taken by the Gubmint in taxes, "Fair?"      

Is a Zero, Nada, Zilch contribution to Federal Taxes from those who earn up to a Middle-Class Income "Fair?"

Peaceful animals on the plains of the Serengheti are constantly on guard.  Because there are predators who spend all day every day trying to turn them into lunch.  Democrats don't want to turn Republicans into lunch.  Or not just yet, I believe.  Just a bunch of muffled dairy cows they can constantly "milk," and then redistribute their unearned gains for votes. 

That's why you'll notice that more than One Hundred Fortune 1,000 companies have relocated from what used to be the "Golden State," to Greener Pastures.  Because all pastures are greener.  Especially now that CA has adopted America's Highest Personal Taxation Rate.  You'll now pay 14.4% of your income over that you pay to the Feds if you're very successful.  Yet, you can be successful in Florida, or Texas, or Tennessee, or any of another 17 states and pay ZERO state taxes.  And then take the money you get to keep and invest it in your business.  And then hire more employees.

Hurray for Capitalism!  Except in Taxifornia and the Big Blue States! 

You may have heard that Chevron will relocate 8,000 of its employees from Taxifornia (highest taxes in the Nation!) to Houston, Texas (ZERO taxes!)  Of course.  Joining Tesla and SpaceX (and their 14,000 employees), and Oracle (20,000), and Toyota (34,000) fergodssake!  Plus another 100 other Fortune 1,000 corporations.  Representing hundreds of thousands of highly-paid citizens.  More than 1,100,000 escapees, so far.  Many more to follow if the Election turns bad.  And by "bad" I mean more of the same...  

And BoyGuv seems not to care.  He's too busy trying to figure out how to "help" Harris lose so he can win in 2028.

"So here's the deal," as our undereducated cops like to say.  You can be among the "Makers" and work hard and learn and earn and live the high life.  Or you can goof off and slouch around and piss and moan about the rotten hand life dealt you.  Proclaiming to the world that you're a "Taker," putting it on notice that you're also a loser.  Demanding that the Gubmint take care of you.  Sort of like everybody becomes Hunter Biden.  Perhaps without so many drugs and hookers and thievery and a daddy in the Orval Orifice, of course.   

It's up to you.  You have but one life.  You can jump on board the "Makers" train and be a winner.  Or you can follow the "Takers" into oblivion. 

There you have it.  The choice is yours.   Either way, the "culture war" continues.  And only those who run like bandits to where it isn't raging out of control, like here in Taxifornia, have a chance to survive this bleak "Serengheti."