Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The "California Fast Food Workers Union"

For those of you who don't remember, or consciously choose not to remember, there was a time not too long ago when we had a "farm team" here in America.

You know, an ill-defined and completely free-wheeling "Entry-Level Jobs Program" that anyone could access.  That Program in force between, a) lying on your ass and eating bon bons, and b) going to - or back to - work.

The Program required nothing much more than a strong back, or an ability to count and make change, or be capable of helping the ice cream find its way from the scoop into a cone.  Every time.  And all one had to do was visit your local "Choke and Puke" and apply.  Because every single fast-food joint in America is hiring.  


Those were the jobs that little Johnnie got for after school and on weekends at McDonalds.  Or Wendys.  Or Pizza Hut.  So he could earn enough to take little Suzie to the movies on Friday night.  To put gas in dad's "family truckster."  Little Johnnie humped the trash, and mopped the floors, or seated the customers.  Or maybe asked, "Would you like fries with that?"

They earned $7.25 an hour as recently as, ummm, yesterday?  Oh no, I think it was 2020, fellow Patriots.  Three years ago.  Back when a Combo Meal was $5.99.  All the way back then...

Those were NOT jobs one took to earn enough to raise a family.  They were NOT full-time, career positions.  They were NOT designed nor created to pay $20.00 an hour for menial work.  Especially when one considers entry-level U. S. Army soldiers earn...are you ready for it?...$15.00 an hour.  

But Taxifornia's BoyGuv Newsom decided that the "X" thousand 'Muricans (and others) who are of that work strata were a "Target Rich Environment."  That they just might just vote for him if he were to shovel them all of the franchise owners' profits.  For consider this:  the rapid and unexpected and unnecessary increase from the previous $15.00 and hour here to $20.00, will wring out virtually all of the profit from a McDonalds store 

And it has to be a McD's, or other very large franchisee, because this new law is targeted at franchisors of 60 or more stores.  That's McD's, Wendy's, Burger King, Pizza Hut, KFC, and a few others.  I did the math: 

       $250,000 just up and gone.  

Voila!  Transferred from the owner's profits to the pockets of their often illiterate, non English-speaking immigrant workers.  Simply for their (illegal) votes.  I'm guessing BoyGuv knows that these business owners aren't going to vote for him or any Democrat anyway, so screw them.  I can't imagine what this will do to the value of large franchises here, or franchise fees in general, or to the franchisor's stock writ large nationally.  

Are you getting this?  Does this piss you off?  It pisses me off, and I don't get pissed off easily!

An entire class of work wiped out for one reason and one reason alone:  The SEIU (Service Employees International Union).

This is the union that represents the maids that turn down your sheets at the Holiday Inn.  The $10.00 an hour mainly immigrant slaves that toil out of sight and out of mind.  But the SEIU elites needed more dues so they could vacation in the Bahamas in January.  So they spent more than $60,000,000 of their members' dues over the past decade to try and force McD's to pay its workers enough so they could afford to pay the SEIU's dues.    

Are you digging this?  In other words, bump up their income by 50% so you can snake them into paying out 50% of their newly-realized income in dues and INCOME TAXES!  Something they never used to worry about because they didn't earn enough to qualify!

Did the SEIU mention that?  In all its rallies, did it ever mention that?  

Pllluuuuussss, they'll now make so much money they'll no longer qualify for special assistance with rent or food or transportation or child care.  No more free diapers and baby formula.  No more $1,000 a month gubmint help from the "Rental Assistance Program."  They'll now have to pay it all themselves.  So they'll now be earning $40,000 a year, but taking home less money than before.

So the SEIU has formed the "California Fast Food Workers Union," and invited these new $20 and hour types to join.  They hope to have enough dues paying members, at only $20.00 a month to start (heh, heh), so they can force the Gubmint to recognize it.  Get that?  Never been done before.  Completely back-asswards union formation.

And, I predict these newly-screwed owners will do everything they can to keep from going out of business.  They'll reduce hours, run fewer employees on shifts, and they'll immediately look into even more automation.  

Remember those mechanized burger-flippers invented a couple of years back?  The one that cost about $250,000, but would make hundreds of burgers an hour without zero mistakes?  And replace as many as 6 of these $20.00 an hour-types?  Yeah, well they're now selling like hotcakes.

Funny it's exactly the same price as BoyGuv's MinWage fiasco.  I wonder if his uber-rich family owns a piece of this company?    

So now the $5.99 combo meal is yesterday's news.  I told you this would happen, and it did.  Now, with these newly-added costs to operation, we've already heard of $18.99 combo meals, $7.00 Egg McMuffins and $3.00 hash browns.  Start shorting McDonalds stock, fellow Patriots.  Folks will find out it's a whole lot cheaper to eat at home...

And that maybe McD's should begin using white tablecloths...

And lastly, Little Johnnie can no longer get that job at McD's because it can now demand a higher class of worker.  One more skilled, more educated, more dedicated than Johnnie.  The ones it doesn't automate, that is.  So Juan and Juanita get screwed because their job will be automated.  And Little Johnnie gets screwed.  Twice.  First, because this entire class of work has been eliminated, and Second, because he can no longer afford to take little Suzie to the movies. 

Or maybe he only got screwed once... 

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