Monday, February 12, 2024

Aiding and Abetting...

Since it's clearly, plainly, indelibly illegal for our Federal Gubmint to give or spend money to "aid or abet" illegal entry into our Country,* I was wondering just how these "migrants" wind up with all those cell phones, plane tickets and $Pre-Paid debit cards in their jeans.

And now, as a result of NYC's Mayor Adams, $53,000,000 in pre-paid debit cards.  Is this designed as a reward, or as a deterrent?  

Seems to me it's clearly a reward...

Made no sense, I said to myself.  Unless our Border Patrol folks are performing as "Welcome Wagon"** greeters, signing up the criminals who break in to our Country.  Preparing them to vote in the next General Election.  As Democrats.  But I would guess that most Americans believe that those "migrants" just aimlessly wander on in.

Not so, fellow Taxpayers!

They are then handed off to other folks who give them a bed, feed them, fit them with some new clothes and a cell phone, and then a plane/train/bus ticket to anywhere.  Anywhere at all.  Without Identification!  Except to Martha's Vineyard, of course, but to anywhere else.  They only suffered with their 24 "migrants" for 48 hours.  They then shipped them off to an Army base for them to deal with, effectively washing their manicured little hands.  Just think about that.  

But who's been paying for that?  Since the U.S. of A. CAN'T, legally, then WHO IS?  

That's what I was wondering, fellow Patriots.  Were you wondering that as well?  

So I did some research.  And what I discovered should really piss you off.  Did me.  Here's why.  There are more than 50 non-profit organizations that receive funding from our Legislature.  Most are church-based.  Many are Catholic.  Sort of.  Feed the hungry and homeless, 'cause that's what Jesus would have done, and all that.  Yeah, well I'm guessing Jesus would not have applauded tens of thousands of unwanted "migrants" flooding through Bethlehem.  When he was trying to make a living as a humble carpenter, while all those "migrants" were pooping in his front yard.  Begging him to do that "loaves and fishes" thing.  On a daily basis.  Just sayin'...  

Nope, if the question is, "What would Jesus do?," then I'm guessing, "He wouldn't!"

But "Samaritan's Purse," would.  That's Franklin Graham's ministry run amok.  I think most of the folks who donate to this charity believe the money is helping out because of fire and floods and earthquakes in Pakistan or Haiti or somewhere.  But not helping illegal alien criminals facilitate the breaking of our immigration laws.  

And yet they are.

How much are we spending to help them harm us?  Ready for it?  $1,015,000,000 Dollars.  That's One point One Five Billion of our Dollars!  Somebody wrote the laws so we can screw ourselves!  Orrrr, insure a future guaranteed to install and keep Democrats in political power, forever.

*     Our own Border Patrol estimates fully 95% of all our new "migrants" are ineligible for asylum under our present laws.  So providing them a "parole" and a court date sometimes 10 years out, is proof our lame President is willfully encouraging illegal immigration. 

**    For those of you too young to remember, "Welcome Wagon" was a service that brought a basket of goodies from local businesses to newly-arrived residents.  Those who had bought homes.  Unlike the current criminals who Democrats are rewarding if they break our laws...

P.S.  Tolja' the Chiefs were a shoo-in...

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