Saturday, March 4, 2023

Narcissistic Psychopathy.

Did you follow the Murdaugh trial?

I did.

In fact, I followed virtually very minute of it.  Why?  Because of its Shakespearean melodramatic plot line, for sure, but for an even more interesting reason I think.

I mentioned in a posting a short while back that my formal training was in criminal and aberrant psychology.  Or in short, why people who do bad things, do bad things.

And one of the more fascinating areas of psychology is the study of psychopathology, or "psychopathy, as it's called.  We're told in the literature that about 1.2% of men, and 0.8% of women express some degree of psychopathology.  Usually presented as psychopathy, with delusions of grandeur thrown in.  A far smaller percentage also evidence other forms of pathology, including narcissism, a disease most often presenting alone.  

Those presenting with these pathologies place themselves first in every thought and deed.  They may love others, but not as much as they love themselves.  They believe that lying, cheating, stealing and misleading are all okay if it benefits them.  They will do anything, use anyone, and play off some against others to get their way.  In short, they have no shame, and being found out is their only fear.    

And why do I mention all of this?  Because I can tell you I witnessed the only instance in my memory of someone who is most likely both a narcissist and a psychopath.  A person who was just found guilty of uxoricide, and filicide; murdering both his wife and his youngest son, in cold blood, to cover up his own misdeeds.  Misdeeds so vast, so overwhelming in both their scope and their negative impact, that Murdaugh still faces 99 charges against him and a minimum of 115 years in prison, just from his financial crimes.  Charges for which he'll still be prosecuted, even though he's already doing LWP.  

The jury found him guilty of killing his family to buy some time.  Some time to figure out how to continue living the lie.  On borrowed time.  In his opiate-addled brain, he thought he could engender enough pity from his law partners and those he had screwed out of $12 Million that they'd simply say, "no harm, no foul."  


And yet, the hand of God intervened.  And karma's a bitch, doncha' know.  A Snapchap video young Paul was innocently taking just prior to the murders tied Murdaugh to the scene of the crime, and put him in jail for life without parole.  And yet, through it all, Murdaugh remained emotionless.  He slobbered and blubbered when he was trying to talk his way out of trouble, but remained dry-eyed when all was lost.

I would submit his expressionless stoicism while being sentenced tells you all you need to know.  

I was transfixed.  As were I'm sure all psychology students nationwide.  They just had a masterclass in psychopathy.  One not soon repeated in such stark detail.

But I call tell you I knew he was guilty right out of the box.  Why?  His name is Alex Murdaugh.  Yet, he demanded to be called "Alek Murdock."  Pretension, thy name is Alek.  

Oh yeah, he's cooling his heels in the South Carolina Prison System at Kirkland, S.C.  And at the ripe young age of 54, he faces perhaps another 40 years or so to ruminate on the shi*storm he's caused before he earns his "pine box pardon."  Amongst murderers and thieves.  

He should feel right at home...

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