Thursday, March 2, 2023

Eureka! I Have the Answer!

After giving the matter deep thought for quite a fair chunk of time, I believe I have the answer to the perplexing problem of men pretending to be women, competing against women, in women's sports. 

And we must note going in the matter wouldn't be "perplexing" if those who had the horsepower to fix this big bag of horsepucky weren't a bunch of limp-wristed pantywaists.  But I editorialize.  As I'm often wont to do. 

Ready for it?

So we've got men competing against men in men's sports.  Got it?  

And we've got women competing against women in women's sports (guaranteed by Title IX of the U.S. Code, as if that matters anymore to anyone.  Heck, they hate the Constitution!).  

And now we've got men competing against women in women's sports.  Against all reason, presumably based upon some "Progressive" definition of "equity."

And Note:  They never seem surprised when the man pretending to be a woman wins in a women's sport.  Or even off-put.  Just marinating in their own special brand of foolishness, assured they'll be found righteous in their misguided, nay dangerous decisions.

So how about we have all women start pretending to be men, pretending to be women!  Got it?  And then compete that way!  The men pretending to be women could no longer compete against fellow male pretenders, for the same reason you'll never find a shark attacking a shark.  It's professional courtesy.  

P. S.  It's the same reason you never hear of a shark eating a lawyer.  It's professional courtesy...

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