Sunday, February 20, 2022

"Nuke the Bastards!"

  "Up with this I shall no longer put!"

                                                                                       The Chuckmeister

With apologies to Yoda, I'm up to HERE with the whole lot of them!

We've given them plenty enough time to fix whatever problems there are, and God knows there are bushels of them, and they STILL haven't fixed them!  None of them!  We pay them dearly and they STILL don't perform!  And THEY know who THEY are!

Okay, I'll stop with the capitalizations and the italics.  I know they're tantamount to screaming.  There's plenty to scream about, but hey...

They just engage in a daily televised circle jerk which produces plenty of heat, but absolutely no light.  We are America, Godddammmit!  We have all the tools to fix any problem, anywhere!  We've done it several times before, including twice during the last century.  For the entire planet!  We saved its bacon!  In spades!  And so I ask, rhetorically, have they used those multi-$Trillion Dollar tools we've given them to fix the problems that come along the pike?  Have they done what we hired them to do?


All we ask is that folks accede to the necessary demands of a polite society.  And a polite planet.  But some, it seems, just refuse to do so!  We've bought them books and bought them books and all they do is eat the covers!  Some are just bad actors, and need to be reminded of their rightful place every now and again.  And reminded with "extreme prejudice," if doing so proves necessary to good social order.  Smacked around a bit, I say.  Kinetically.  That's military parlance for making things go "Boom!"  

That's just The Chuckmeister's view.  Perhaps you share it as well.

And I dunno' about you, but I've grown weary of the shenanigans of some of the folks with which we share our planet.  You know, the folks that do not comply with those rules and regulations of living in today's complicated world I spoke about before.  Folks that routinely bend, or even outright break the laws governing the actions of law-abiding people.  Those folks.  

Weary to the extent that I've decided to start an entirely new political movement which I hope will include you, my loyal fellow Patriot (see below for instructions as to how to forward your hefty, multi-$Donations).*  And that political movement shall forever after be known as...

              "Nuke The Bastards!" 

What do you do with a country which routinely violates its obligations to its neighbors?  After a polite warning, you just "Nuke the Bastards!"  The NoKos bothering you?  Nuke the Bastards!  Putin and that gas station masquerading as a country causing us trouble?  Nuke the Bastards!  China giving us grief?  Nuke the Bastards!  And if its Cuba or Venezuela or Guatemala or even Tonga (especially Tonga!), should give us even a moment of difficulty, after sufficient warning, I'd say we... 


And how about those D.A.'s who refuse to prosecute those who break our laws and make living in today's America damn near impossible?  If a fragmentation grenade doesn't work, a "suitcase" nuke should suffice, I'd say!  A little bitty guy.  One that could take out only, say, maybe an office building.  Or maybe a square city block, if your enemy is spread out.  That kind.  After a phone call explaining our position, of course.  If the miscreant decides not to "see the light," after we drop some leaflets with warnings in 14 languages from a squadron of "black" helicopters, of course.  We'll just (ready for it?) Nuke the Bastards!

Whadda' think, fellow Patriots?  You like?  You think we might be able to get a few million of our fellow patriots together and marshal their collective forces and resources and take charge of the Tiller of Democracy?  Or perhaps just the threat of doing so would be sufficient to force the miscreants to crawl back into their holes and stop causing us grief.  BTW, that was called "Mutually Assured Destruction" back in the Cold War days, and it formed the basis of our Cold War military effort against the Soviets for more than 30 years.  They send a nuclear missile our way, we sent 40 nuclear missiles their way.  They cross in mid-air.  Boooooomski!  (That's Russian for "Boom.").  World over!  Buh Bye!  We had the balls to threaten to do it then, why not now?  Or is our current Administration so feckless and weak and spineless that no other country would believe it?    

(Wow, did that sound dramatic!)  

Or maybe we could just send them an email (or several million emails) expressing our displeasure.  Or stop by and see them in person.  Let's let our "leaders" know that we're not at happy with the way they've been playing with our toys.  And if they don't clean up their act, and make our lives more worth living, which is what we pay them for, we just might take to the torches and the pitchforks.  Or any more modern weaponry we might have laying around.**  

And you know what could happen then..............

*      Send all non-tax deductible donations to "The Chuckmeister" at Fortress Chuckmeister, Murrieta, Taxifornia, 92563.  The Postal Person will find me...

**    As a reminder, some 100+ million of your fellow Americans own just short of 500 million firearms.  And certainly don't wish to be called upon to use them.  But I believe could reliably be counted on to do so were to the situation to dictate...

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