Monday, February 7, 2022

"Billy Beer"

Only those of us now collecting Social Security are old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter presidency and the particular cross that he had to bear.

Actually, with Jimmy Carter as President we ALL had a cross to bear, but that's another story...

Those of us permitted by our chosen news sources to learn that Joe O'Biden has a son named Hunter (all those other than ABC/CBS/NBC/PBS//NYT/WaPo/CNN/MSNBC), and that this son has less than a stellar reputation (say wha?), know that this is his "Billy Beer" moment.  As in, the method Jimmy Carter's brother chose to exploit the fame that came from having a brother as President of these here Eeeuuunited States.  

Jimmy, you see, had a brother named Billy.  A big, round, goofy, overhauls-wearing peanut farmer.  The Carter gang was from Plains, Georgia.  Where there's nothin' but "good ol' boys."  Not very small old boys (they're all sort of round, too), but good, nonetheless.

And Billy was still back home in Plains, hanging out by the local filling station, drinking beer and playing grab ass with his buddies, while his brother Jimmy was POTUS up there in Washington, D.C.

Screwing up America, as I mentioned.

Now, one must first remember that those were days were a bit less filled with news than is now the case.  There were three channels, and they each presented to us a half-hour of news each evening, almost none of which was detrimental to a sitting Democrat president (duh!).  So many of us didn't know "Jimmuh" had a brother, and even less knew that brother was a grade-A, room temperature-I.Q. scoundrel.  

Imagine, if you can.  This was a kinder, gentler era.  People did not conduct themselves in a way which might bring shame upon themselves or their families.  Things it seems some of us now choose to do routinely.  So when Billy Carter launched his beer brand, "Billy Beer," the less Liberal parts of the nation got the butt hurt in response!

It took some time before Billy could be dissuaded from selling beer to leach off his brother.  But it happened.  And the story was allowed by the Corporate Media to die a slow death...

Hunter Biden, as some of you well know, was Joe's "black sheep."  His brother Beau was the fair-haired brother who got all the accolades.  But when he died of a brain tumor, Hunter decided to console his widow.  By screwing her.  Repeatedly.  While he was still married.

He then decided to get his life in order and joined the Navy.  But he was unceremoniously awarded a "Bad Conduct Discharge" because of his crack addiction.  Hmmm.  

I'm leaving a lot out here, but Hunter goes on to cut deals with Chinese and Ukrainian and Rumanian government officials which can be described only as influence peddling.  A new book just out puts the number at $31,000,000 he illegally and unconstitutionally vacuumed up for Joe and the entire family.  Of course, Joe provided him with official U. S. government jets to arrange these deals while he was Vice President.

Hunter then stars in a porn flick while putting hundreds of thousands of $'s of cocaine up his nose.  He then took a shine too a stripper in Arkansas, knocked her up, then disavowed her baby.  She had to take him to court to force him to take legal responsibility!

Oh yeah, almost forgot.  He illegally bought a gun by lying on the official background check form, which is a felony (A. G. Garland, we're waiting...).  While flying high on coke on night, his girlfriend (a different one) got scared and dumped his gun in a trash container outside a supermarket.  Apparently the Secret Service dug through the trash to try and (unsuccessfully) find it!  Since Hunter Biden was not legally afforded Secret Service protection, that raises more questions than it answers. 

And then there's Hunter the Artist.  He throws some paint at a canvas or two and sells them to Daddy's donors for $500,000!!!  And they do so anonymously!  Talk about tax avoidance!  Where did I go wrong!

Anyway, I'm just sitting here thinking that I made a big mistake by not getting into Gubmint service.  I thought I'd be sacrificing income opportunities.  Dumbass me!

Anyway, to summarize a bit, I'm thinking that O'Biden would stomp puppies to death to have Jimmy Carter's problems instead of his own.  Especially because Jimmy's are over; Joe's are likely just beginning...  

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