Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Your Media Politics Primer...

New York City is a "blue" town.  

So is Washington, D.C., Cheecago, Lost Angeles, San Franpoopville, Filladelphia, Nooowark and about 200 other American cities.

They're called "blue" because they're filled up to the brim with folks who routinely, predictably, reliably vote Democrat.  And "blue" is the color assigned to Liberals/Progressives/Leftists.  

In the District of Columbia, for example, more than 94% of the population voted Democrat in both 2016 and 2018. It was over 90% in Lost Angeles.  84% in Chicago.

And they're called "blue" because they've been owned and operated by Left-wing Democrats for years.  Sometimes decades.  Sometimes even generations!  The above-named cities are excellent examples.  Chicago, to throw out a name, hasn't had an elected Republican in more than 70 years!

Maybe that's why these cities have all declared themselves "sanctuary cities," in defiance of Federal laws.  I wish I could do that whenever I wanted to, wouldn't you?  Just decide that this law, or that one, wasn't up to your liking.  And so, you'll just disregard it.  Just like our biggest cities have chosen to do.

So it probably wouldn't come as a surprise to anyone to learn that the reporters for the Washington Post, to name one example, all live within a few miles of each other.  They all shop at the same places, and eat at the same restaurants, and worship at the same churches and synagogues.  

Just kidding about that last one...

They therefore reflect their friends and neighbors and co-workers in terms of their core mores and folkways and beliefs.  And also their politics.  Thus, it also shouldn't be a surprise to you to learn that they all lean "Left," as in Liberal.  The five-county area in which they reside is jam-packed with Federal worker bees, more than 200,000 of them, unfortunately, each of them is happily skipping on home with an average of $150k a year.  And since all that gravy comes at the over-sucked teat of the taxpayer, you and me, they are quite reasonably drawn to any political Party and any presidential candidate who promises more of the same, which the Democrats routinely do.  And they are terrified of any candidate who threatens to mess with their pot of gold.

Like Donald Trump.  

Need another example?  Sure.  It was reported that fully 96% of all political campaign donations made by D. C. Media personnel during the 2018 election cycle went to Democrats.  It was 95% in 2016.  One might tend to think that these folks lean Left...

The foregoing stats will prove to you that the reporters who are reporting the news are reliable Lefties.  And that what you'll get with them, and from them, is...Lefty news.  News that's been slanted to reflect Leftist ideals and beliefs and goals and objectives.  

To emphasize that point, Trump just got booed at a World Series game.  Booed!  Since the game was played in the Democrat stronghold of Washington, D.C., no one should have expected any different.

It should also be mentioned that these same theoretical WashPo reporters likely all attended the same journalism schools, of which there aren't all that many anyway.  And they learned the same stuff, from the same aging, Summer of Love, tie-dyed, dope-smoking, hippy professors, almost all of whom are Liberal.  

Thus, we have a region surrounding the District of Columbia filled with Lefties.  And among them are print and broadcast and blog and podcast reporters who reflect that region's values.  Hence, the MainStreamMedia (MSM) in D.C. leans Left.  And in the case of the Washington Post, Far Left!

I might mention at this point that the Washington Post is owned lock, stock and barrel, by one Jeff Bezos, Amazon's owner and the richest man in the world.  Oh yeah, and a rabid Leftist Democrat and Trump hater.  Might that be another reason why the WashPo's news is slanted so far to the Left?

So it is with the New York Times.  Far Left!  And the Chicago Sun Tribune.  Far Left.  And the San Francisco Chronicle, San Fran Nan Pelosi's home town paper.  Far Left.  And the Lost Angeles Times (owned by the same far-Left guy who owns the Chicago Trib).  Far Left!  

Almost all of the news we consume as Americans comes from New York City.  That's where the MSM is located.  And where the news is gathered, and collated, and prepared for broadcast.  All the broadcast networks and cable TV and radio channels are located within about six blocks of each other in Midtown-Manhattan, NYC.  Six blocks!  These media are then fed by the Lefty D.C. news-gatherers, who then wrap it all together with a neat Lefty bow tied around it and send it out over the airwaves.  They send it first to the major broadcast and cable and print outlets, and then on to the peons in Iowa, and Colorado, and Louisiana, and Florida, and Montana.

These are all places where there is zero input to national news production.  In fact, 49 states have pretty much zero input.  Ask yourself, who do New York City reporters talk with?  They talk only with their friends and neighbors and co-workers.  And with each other.  The folks they bump into at the gym.  The folks they meet at the bar.  Folks who think like they do.  Do they have reporters talking with folks in Iowa?  No.  In New Mexico?  No.  In Montana?  No.  How about Pensacola, FL, and Pumpkin Center, MO, and Salina, KS.  No, No, and No.

Ask yourself; when was the last time you got a call from a national pollster?  Someone asking for YOUR opinion.  Yeah, me neither...

In other words, they gather, refine and produce the news without any input at all from those who believe, think and act differently than does their little tribe.  And so their "product" is inherently flawed.  It is incomplete and skewed, and I'd guess they don't even know it.  Let me say again: these reporters aren't talking to us; they're actually talking only to each other

I'm not convinced they really believe there's anyone actually living out there in "Flyover Country," nor do they really care...  

How many of us know that we're being force-fed news with a marked Leftist slant?  How many of us know to seriously discount the accuracy and reliability and neutrality of our MSM.  How many of us wander through life unaware that Leftists are lying to us each and every day, and with a smile on their faces?

Put simply, with exception of two cable TV news channels, all the "news" you receive from the others is nothing more than than that day's Democrat National Committee talking points, homogenized and reassembled into as palatable a package as they can manage.  

And unfortunately, there's an enormous percentage of our population that doesn't know it.  And I, The Chuckmeister, am here to correct that oversight.

People, listen up!  Be careful information shoppers!  The so-called MSM is out to force-feed you manufactured, Left-wing propaganda.  A word to the wise should be sufficient...  

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