Friday, November 15, 2019

Getting a Better Education...

It seems hardly a day goes by when we aren't subjected to news about one college campus or another staging a walkout or protest about some "existential" thing that has "triggered" their little sensibilities.

Like, say, a college or university actually inviting a conservative speaker to, you know, speak.  Or upon learning that Chick-fil-A might open a sandwich shop upon their premises.  Or finding out that "Climate Change" is ruining their little lives and that they might not live long enough to pay back their student loans.

So they get together and shout and yell and scream and pull their collective hair, waving their signs and displaying their placards.  Or they go downtown and block intersections and impede traffic and assault motorists, and then head on back to campus for a good cry in the "safe room."  And they do their very best to prevent any, ANY counter-protest from the more conservative protesters who may be in attendance.  Preventing any other voice, any other signs, any other placards from being displayed.  Banning thought, banning speech, banning opposition.    

You've got to hand it to them; fascistic fascists doing fascistic things most often get fascist results...

However, I'd like to say that this might actually prove to be a great thing for these students' education and our country's future.  No doubt you've been learning of late that much of the teaching that takes place in our colleges and universities these days is not too much different than what one might expect to receive in a reeducation camp in Moscow, or Beijing or Havana.  We're spending $30,000, $40,000, even $70,000+ a year to send our little darlings off to Yale, and Haaaaaavid, and Stanford, and Marquette, and what we're - they're - getting in return is a world-class, high-priced brainwashing, coupled with a useless degree.  

Who out there in Internet land actually believes that a degree in Gender Studies, or Existential Phenomenalism, or Black Studies, or Medieval Lesbian Poetry will prepare our young people for adulthood?  For a career?  For a JOB?  

Few, I'd doubt.

BTW, if there are "Black" studies, are there also "Red" studies?  And "Yellow" studies?  Or perhaps "White" studies?  Me thinks not...

Sooooooo, if you connect the dots here I'd say that any day students decide to protest this or that, and ditch class to do so, is a really good day for America.  If they storm out of class, waving their little signs and parading with their little banners, protesting the latest perceived assault on something or other, at least they're not in class being taught a bushel basket load of useless crap that will do nothing beneficial for anyone except perhaps the professor.  At least he, or she, or maybe "it" (California, doncha' know) will feel better by having polluted their little pansy brains...

Imagine that:  Those who are paying a s**tload of cash to get a worthless education may actually be better off protesting imagined Leftist snowflake sleights than sitting in class, listening to some hard-core Leftist anarchist commie pinko spew a bunch of useless, anti-American tripe...

Oh yeah, late news:  The football players and students at the West Linn High School in Oregon marched off the field in last Friday night's game, refusing to continue so long as the Chick-fil-A food truck was selling sandwiches in the parking lot.  Really?  We've come that far?  A chicken sandwich is now an existential threat?

How the Hell did we get here, America?  And how the Hell do we get back?

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