Wednesday, November 20, 2019

I Was Almost Convinced...

Yes, my friends, and you ARE my friends, I was almost convinced.  I was just about to warm up to this whole "global warming" thing the Leftoids have been incessantly bleating about for years.

College professors, blow-dried TV talking heads, Hollyweird celebritards, and hand-in-your-pockets politicians have been assuring us for years that our planet is burning up.  The CO2 levels are soooo high (how high are they?), they say, that our climate will crater.  Our seas will rise up so very much Miami will be an afterthought.  Our children will have to wear gas masks to go to school.  Maybe there won't even be any school!  Maybe there won't be any children!  It's that much of a crisis!  

Our ex-bartender Representative from the Bronx with too many names is so worked up over it she's decided not to have children!  Now, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of happy when I hear that those whose opinions I abhor and whose intellectual capabilities are woefully suspect decide not to procreate.  That's another generation saved from this craziness.

Anyway, I was almost convinced.  That old "97% of climate scientists" thing almost got to me.  Even though I know that they all work for the Government in some form or fashion, whether in colleges and universities, or in think tanks, or in NASA/NOAA-type organizations, and that they have to keep uttering that same "sky is falling" blather to make sure their paychecks keep cashing.

BTW, the other "3%" work for such as the Weather Channel and your local TV stations, where they can discover the truth, and then report it.  I've been listening to them; they're telling me the 97% folks are full of s**t.

Google John Coleman, ex-CEO and co-founder of the Weather Channel, if you'd care for a more in-depth condemnation of this Chicken Little theory (he's on record as calling it "The greatest scam in history!"). 

But anyway, I was just plain worn out.  They'd pretty much convinced me.  Even though we still have plenty of glaciers and the polar bears haven't all drowned as yet (!) and the dratted temperature seems to always stay about the same, I was about to join the ranks of the hippppmotizzzzed...  

And then I learned that all my heroes, the same folks who've been preaching to me that we're in a "climate crisis," haven't been doing as they've been preaching. They've been living as if there is no climate chaos!  They're all flying around in their little G-5s, spewing carbon like all get out.  For shame!  So what's a citizen to do?

Joe Biden, ancient politician who speaks in word salads, just issued his 3rd quarter expense report from his 2020 Democrat POTUS run.  And the results are shocking.  SHOCKING, do you hear me (with apologies to "Casa Blanca")!  He spent nearly $900,000 of his donor's money flying around on private jets!  That's $Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars!  Despoiling our collective atmosphere, he was!  Ruining our collective lives, he was!  He can't do that, can he?  Especially if he's trying to convince us mere citizens that we should ride a horse, right?

How about all the others?  You know, his co-candidates?  The scolds who keep telling us that The End Is Near!  How are they comporting themselves in this period of pre-catastrophe?  

Good question, oh carbon-breath.  They're all flying around on expensive little planes, too!  If I were a prospective donor to any political candidate, I'd hate to think that my hard-earned money went to pay for a $2,500-an-hour Gulfstream.

And then there's good ol' Barry.  Mr. Obama will be resting comfortably in his third home, the one he just purchased in Martha's Vineyard.  His new seaside cottage set him back a cool $15,700,000!  And, since it's located exactly ON the water, I'm thinking he's not at all worried about the oceans rising, now is he?   So if an ex-Prez sez waterfront property is A-Okay for him to buy and live in, that it won't disappear in a deluge, who am I to judge?

So let's sum it all up, shall we?  Global Whatever is a scam.  It's a cruel hoax being being played on the easily-led and easily-sold and easily-convinced, by sleazy, hypocritical politicians and activists.  They've used this climate thing as the basis for a new religion for those sorely in need of a religion.  And they've been so very successful that our dimwitted youts (what's a yout?) are screaming and crying and pulling out their hair, convinced that they've only got 12 more years to live.  

I dunno' about you, but I just cannot wait to see how this whole Godforsaken mess unfolds...

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