Monday, October 30, 2023

Shall We Talk Definitions?

I thought I'd share with you the New Oxford Dictionary's definition of two words being tossed about in the our Media these days: 

Conservative"Favoring free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional values."

Well, here's The Chuckmeister's definition:

In other words:  "Let's strive for the smallest government it takes to properly preserve our safety, and keep our military as strong as it takes to deter aggression, while keeping that government out of our wallets, our bedrooms, and our gun cabinets."

Progressive:  "Advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal values."

The Chuckmeister:

In other words:  "They wake up every morning asking, "What is unfair?  What am I owed?  What has offended me lately"  And, "What must my country do for me today?"  

Put succintly, the traditional American ethic of achievement gives way to the progressive ethic of aggrievement.  

I have the feeling it's a good idea for God to take figuratively "take out the "trash" as we grow old so there won't be anyone around to remember just how good it was "back in the old days."  Like two years ago.  Before the Commmie Pinko Dummass Liberal Weenies were put in charge.  

While they cling to power like an STD.   

It's the "Frog in the Pot" Syndrome* finally writ large.  Finally come to pass.  Despite the very outrageousness of that entire premise.  We're living it, fellow Patriots! 


The Democrats have quadrupled down on their ruinous Progressive policies in our 50 largest and Bluest Big Cities.  Where 87% of all of America's crime exists.  Where addicts are clotting up the sidewalks, and cars are getting jacked, and stores are getting robbed, and one has to step over sh*t to enter pricey restaurants.  Just before they go out of business.  

They did it.  They took hold of the tiller and steered their cities into the shallows.  And we're all watching them slowly, inexoribly drown...

Would it be too "shallow" of us to say,   

              "We told you so?"

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