Monday, June 20, 2022

The "Insurrection" Follies...

A wise old gentleman told me once, "There are two kinds of people.  Those who divide people up into two kinds, and that other kind..."

That was a joke, if you hadn't guessed...  

But that logic applied to "January 6th," means there are two kinds of people: those who watched the January 6th "dust up/protest/riot/insurrection" unfold live, on TV, in front of your very eyes, and those who didn't.  And maybe I should have left a blank after January 6th, 'cause it seems everybody has a different definition for it.

Now then, because I'm retired, I watched it all unfold, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, on January 6th, 2020.  And it was awful.  And unforgettable.  It was like watching a slow-motion train wreck.  It was obvious the Capitol Police were outmatched.  As to why, I'd like to know.  But is the 1/6 Committee investigating that?  No.  I watched the Police first usher in the protesters, and then do their best to try and later push them out.  And failed.  I worked for a time in that august building, and to see it vandalized hurts my heart.  I was ashamed for my Country.  And a bit OF my Country.  I'm sure every Patriot was...

However, there must have been a yuuuge number of us who were at work, or on vacation, or dealing drugs, or whatever, and so didn't see it live, as it happened.  And so, as a "public service," no doubt, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has seen fit to invest some $7 million dollars of our tax money to put together a slick, Hollywood-style presentation of their version of what happened that day.  With their particular spin on it.  For all those voters who might want to know their perspective on the events of that fateful day.  Their singular perspective, with edited video and text and email messages to try and underscore their point.  A point made by 7 Democrats, and, umm, two "other" Democrats. 

Also for the first time ever.

In an effort, no doubt, to deflect public opinion away from the awful mess O'Biden's made of our economy.  Sort of like the Romans once gave their put-upon serfs the games at the Coliseum to keep their attention distracted away from their terrible lot in life.  

It worked for awhile.  But not forever, as they soon learned.    

It must be that Congressional Committee hearings will  now forever be one-sided affairs with the Party in Power presenting its version of events for a few days, in Prime Time, and then when (or if) the other Party finds its way into power in the distant future, they then can present their version.  Like what's almost certainly going to happen on the morning after the Republicans take back the House of Representatives on November 3rd.   

What's fair is fair, right?

Trust me, you're going to get sick of seeing Rep. Jim Jordan filet Democrat sycophants.  It will be pure entertainment.  At some point we'll just have to call "enough," right?  

No, we won't.

Anyway, to the point of my rant.  I'm a voracious consumer of news.  I watch it all day long.  And so I've been watching MSNBC and CNN and PBS along with my normal fare of all the Conservative news I can find.  Which isn't much.  And golly, I've come to realize that almost all of CNN/MSNBC's total broadcast menu of late now consists of "January 6th."  The "Insurrection!"  Not the riot, or the protest, the "Insurrection!"  That's just in case you missed it, I'm guessing.  Throw in some gun-control fan boy talk, and how there's lots of dissention within the ranks of the Trump orbit, and how he's most likely going to get arrested, or at the very least subpoenaed (but hopefully frog-marched out of the Justice Building to a hard, gray cell at Leavenworth), and then hand it off to the next talking head.  

Who will glumly look you in the eyes and try and tell you everything's just peachy in O'Biden's America.

No Hunter Biden at all.  He doesn't exist according to those opinion outlets.  Nor does the source of his vast wealth.  Nor does the fact good ol' Joe can't put a sentence together.  Nor does the crises at our southern border.  Or the crises over fentanyl poisonings.  Nor much about the "smash and grab" robberies all over Big Blue Cities.  Nor much about the crises over baby food, and gas, and ever water, fur' God's sake!  

In other words, they look backwards 18 months for those who missed the real thing.  (History Channel, perhaps?).  And they take 7 hearings, lasting over a period of at least 20 hours, to cover something that lasted barely a third of that time.  And they say they might add more hearings if they think they're needed!  

"The beatings will stop when your attitude improves."

Besides the hoped-for distraction, there's No question this whole uber-partisan exercise is designed to dirty up The Donald.  In the hope he's never be able to run again.  For he's their "boogey man."  The one-person who isn't tethered to D.C. machine politics.  And thus the only person they think who can throw a monkey wrench into their carefully-laid plans.  

Wait until DeSantis gets ahold of 'em...

Can't wait to see what the Republicans' one-sided, totally scripted, carefully-edited and -produced hearings will look like early next year.  I'm sure San Fran Nan Pelosi will be Jim Jordan's very first, no doubt subpoenaed witness...

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