Saturday, June 18, 2022

900 Years...

 "I want you to look into my eyes.  I guarantee you.  I guarantee you I will end fossil fuels!"

                      Joe O'Biden, Newcastle, New Hampshire, 2019     

As the Mumbler-in-Chief prepares to go suck up to the oily sheiks in Saudi Arabia next week, begging for the oil he won't drill for here at home, I'm wondering if they'll forget he called them a "pariah nation?"

Do Muslims forget more than other races?  Or religions?  Or whatever they happen to be?  


Anyway, as he goes there hat-in-hand, embarrassing the Hell out of all of us, it's important for the Patriot readers of this unassuming little blog to understand he's leaving the country with the largest known oil reserves on Earth, America, to go prostrate himself (and us) in front of soulless camel jockeys.

In my humble opinion.  Which I'm eager to share.

And it's also important because we know the that of half the Country gets their news from Yahoo, Google, Twitter and Facebook, which have all admitted to censorship (omission AND commission), will likely not know the truth unless modest folks like me start banging the drum.

And here's the drum I'm banging.  Sit up, America, and take notes:

The Bakken Oil Shale Reserves are situated beneath Saskatchewan, North and South Dakota, and Wyoming.  That means, we own most of it.  According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), it has enough proven oil and gas reserves (4.5 Billion Barrels) to last us for more than 300 years.

And to continue, the Williston Basin under Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arizona (we own it) also boasts USGS proven reserves of more than 2.5 Billion Barrels, or enough to last us for more than 200 years.

Then there's the Marcellus Shale Reserves, also quite yuuuuge.  It's located under Joe O'Biden's old homestead in Scranton, Pennsylvania.  It's also under 9 other Eastern states, BTW.  The same states where all our coal is located.  And not being mined right now because of good ol' Joe's "green" policies.  And more than 100,000 UNION miners were put out of work, BTW.  To go along with the more than 100,000 put out of work by Joe's murder of the Keystone-XL Pipeline on his first day in orifice.  The USGS tells us the Williston resource up North has enough natural gas reserves (4.5 Billion Sq. Ft.) to power all of America's energy needs for more than 400 years!  Plus lots and lots and lots of oil!  Fossil Fuel!  Dead Dinosaurs!

So let's take inventory here.  200 years, plus 300 years, and another 400 years!  That's more years even than good ol' Joe has been on this Earth!  And it means the only reason he should embarrass himself - and us - by kissing the sheiks' asses is pure ol' politics.  He's afraid of his hard-Left, "sky is falling" flank.  The "AOC's" of the planet.  And we're paying the price as a result.  Every time you gas up.  And there's nobody in our so-called "MainsStream-Media" to educate the masses that they're being rudely screwed by those they trust.  Except folks like me.  Like ME!

Pity them.  And pity us...  

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