Monday, May 16, 2022

The "Great Replacement Theory"

Do you know what that is?

I don't.  And I'm what they call a "voracious consumer of news."  As in, almost all day, every day.  And I admit that most of that consuming is of the Conservative kind, what there is of it.  Although I force myself to also watch the socialist drivel on CNN and MSNBC, I do so, because, frankly, I want to know what the dumbasses on the other side are thinking.  And doing.  And damn!  I learned something today I didn't know before!

The killer from New York murdered his victims because he'd been radicalized into believing what's been called the "Great Replacement Theory" (GRT).  That's when Democrats import new voters to replace those they can no longer sway into voting for them.  

And from what we hear, almost nobody wants to vote for a Democrat anymore.  Their policies are despised, except for on the Upper East Side, where they don't apply.  So O'Biden and his Yale faculty lounge sycophants are doing their level best to import millions of illegals from all around the world.  And if you need proof, simply turn on Fox News and watch the unending stream of illegals pour across our Southern border.  

You can watch it from a drone, or a Texas State helicopter, or from the Fox News reporter's own camera crew.  It averages some 7,000 a day now.  More than 2,500,000 since O'Biden was inaugurated.  Greater than the population of Houston, our second largest city!  And if "Title 42" is allowed to expire in a week, they we can expect that we'll see more than 18,000 a day assault our Country.  Daily.  And our President doesn't give a s**t.  In fact, he's counting on it to stay in office...  

I guess they call that the "Great Replacement Theory."  That's the name of a book written by a French author, Renaud Camos.  He wrote it awhile back it to shine a light on what's happening over there, not here!  It's even worse there, where there are no effective borders anymore and the Mediterranean coastline from all the African immigrants to aim for.  But his work was co-opted and is now being used by those snarly crooks here on the Left against the Republicans who are slated to begin eating their lunches on November 8th. 

How do I know that?  I watched this new meme unfold on CNN and MSNBC and PBS and NPR all weekend, and blasted out this morning.  I guess that was the newly-approved attack line their highly-paid campaign consultants just dreamed up, which they've all now adopted.  The same folks who came up with "The Great MAGA King," I'm assuming.  They're stating that the mass shooting in Buffalo yesterday was caused by "GRT."  The shooter had adopted it as his own, they say, and written a 182-page manifesto embracing it.  Which, BTW, no one seemed to notice, even though it was posted on line!  Yet, apparently this same kid was hospitalized for his propensity for violence just weeks ago!  And the FBI placed a "Red Flag Alert" on him, whatever that's worth.  And since we now know they've been radicalized, why do we have an FBI again?  I heard Elon Musk offered $100 Billion Dollars for it, but demanded that all the Left-wingers be purged of the System before he took the keys...

Anyway, if believing that the Democrats are attempting to replace those who won't vote for them with those who will, count me in!  And it's not a conspiracy theory, mouthed only by Tucker Carlson, as they say on the Left, and a few other Right-wingers, considering that illegals are now voting in San Franpoopco and Lost Angeles and Santa Monica and Seattle and Portland and Baltimore and New York City and Newark, and, and, and...  

Which is Unconstitutional, BTW...

And as I said, it appears the only folks who don't know there's an invasion on our border these days are those who watch these Leftwing channels.  Oh yeah, and also sit behind their microphones!  Imagine, because of the news they choose to consume, half our Country doesn't know what's happening to the other half! 

So, let's cut to the chase.  This is all claptrap.  White noise.  They're scared to death.  They're grasping at any straw.  Even trying to pin a mass murder on mainstream Americans.  How low will they go?  How low is...I don't know...low?

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