Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Setting the Record Straight...

Did you know that the Bakken Oil Field contains a proven 4.3 Billion Barrels of oil according to the United States Geological Survey?  

Enough, according to the USGS, to power America's energy needs for at least the next 200 Years?  No need to rely on windmills, or whether the sun decides to shine, just pull it out of the ground and enjoy as citizens the fruits of our Great Country?

And that the Bakken Oil Field is located in Saskatchewan, North Dakota, South Dakota and Montana?  In other words, mostly in America?  Which we own? 

And that Prez Joe Biden shut down the Keystone-XL Pipeline with the very first of his blizzard of Executive Orders?  On the morning of his first day in office?  Before he ate lunch even?

And that this action resulted in the immediate loss of employment for more than 100,000 union laborers making at least $100,000 a year each?  

And that this action pissed off Canada, our 2nd largest trading partner, with whom we were to share both the costs and the proceeds of the Bakken exploration? 

And that it also killed our economy, sent it on a nosedive, which had been set to take off like a rocket following the pandemic's end, without any of the more than $6 Trillion Dollars of unnecessary stimulus spending Biden spewed on our economy as if from a firehose?  Starting the inflationary spiral in which we now find ourselves?  

And that it not only didn't result in killing the drilling, it just meant that what would have been our oil from the Bakken is now being shipped, by truck, straight to the port in Vancouver, for transshipment to China?  Disabusing any notion that stopping drilling here, versus there, has any effect on our climate?

And then Biden green-lighted Dictator Putin's access to the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, without anything in return (him perhaps?), by way of which Putin was to supply oil and gas to Germany, and thus to other western European countries?  

It also meant Biden then chose to buy oil from Russia, instead of drilling our own?  Thus directly paying for Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

And that the day before Biden's EO we were shipping LNG, Liquified Natural Gas, by container ship to Germany?  Making them dependent upon us, not Russia? 

And that the day after he issued that killer EO, Germany and other European countries became dependent upon Russia for their energy, instead of us?

And that Mr. Biden and his Upper East Side cronies, for whom his laws have no effect, seem to believe that oil drilled in another country, like Venezuela, for example, which he has begged to drill and take him out of this problem, contributes to THEIR global warming, NOT OURS?  So if they drill, no problem?  But if we drill, ummm, whu...?

So Mr. Biden, here's the deal:  The Earth rotates on its axis East to West.  And the atmosphere, that stuff, umm, "up there," rotates in the opposite direction.  Thus, the "climate" in China, where they're mining for coal and digging for rare metals furiously, pumping scads of crap into the air, will be here in a week.  Shanghai today, California next Wednesday.  Got it?

Oh yeah, while we're headed out the digital door, we also have the Permian Basin Oil Shale Deposits, which are proven by the USGS to be at least 2.3 Billion Barrels.  On top of the Bakken Boom.  And it's locate in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.  All ours.  We could drill it, and pump it, and pipeline it, and refine it, and ship it to retailers for no more than $15.00 a barrel?  Or some 85% less than is currently being paid?

Which would also mean you'd be back to $2.50 a gallon gas, if your neighbors would simply learn how to vote?  Not you, you're a Patriot.  Your neighbors.  

I'm relying on you to help win them over before the next election.  Simply tell them that the World is not ending in 12 years, or 10 or 8 years, depending upon Alexandria Occasional-Cortex's momentary brain fart.  That this Earth is warming, yes, perhaps an additional degree, ONE DEGREE, over the next 100 years.  Which is great, as this would mean millions more would be able to grow more food in a more temperate climate, and thus avert starvation.  Don't let "the sky is falling" folks foment fear.  Counting on you.  Don't let us down...

However, I doubt it will take a lot of convincing anymore.  The folks who voted these dimbulbs into office have seen the light, me thinks.  They  have kids, which Mr. Joe Biden's policies and his FDA are keeping you from feeding.  And they have cars they have to fill with $7.00 a gallon gas.  You do to.  And they eat.  Oh yeah, they eat.  At least they used to.  They can't afford to any more...

How do you think they'll vote next time?

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