Thursday, March 31, 2022

Simply Observers...

I'd like to remind my tens and tens of Patriotic readers that they are likely among those of us who've sat by in rapt attention over the past couple of years, and watched in horror on 24/7 cable TV as the Looney Left tried to tear America apart.

Break it.  Destroy it.  Set fire to it.  Burn it down.  And to then hopefully rebuild it in their Utopian vision?  Someday, maybe?  

One can only surmise.

It unfolded nightly, on our big screen TV's, night after night.  Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Portland, Seattle, Rochester, Minneapolis.  And the reportage depended upon which channel you were turned to.  Fox showed it all.  MSNBC said it was all due to racism.  CNN's reporter stated it was a "mostly peaceful protest" whilst standing in front of a burning courthouse.

We've been nothing more nor less than observers; if we don't live in the 50 or so Big Blue Cities "up  north,", where Democrats reign, that is.  It's there where the "War" has unfolded.  It's there where those in charge elected to sit back and watch as members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter set a torch to pretty much everything north of I-70.  And it was there that anything worth tearing down, was torn down.  

53 cities, actually.  In which more than $1.5 Billion Dollars in damages was done.  More than 1,300 cops wounded13 were murdered!  Up there, up north, while we watched.

From down here.  In relative safety.  

So it's kind of important to remember that although those of us who live in the Sun Belt share no blame for this monumental fiasco, we've been paying a terribly steep price.  I mean, have you seen the gas prices here in Taxifornia?  And we'd like them to get back to normal just as soon as possible.  Once they've cleaned up their streets and rounded up all their criminals and deported all the illegal aliens and restored good order, that is.

Oh, I'm sorry.  I must have had a brain fart...

But while they set about cleaning up the nest in which they have shat, if they ever do (we won't hold our collective breath), we'll just keep on keeping on.  Getting up, going to work, paying our taxes.  After all, somebody has to!

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