Sunday, March 13, 2022

Laying Siege...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

                                                                                         George Santayana, 1905

Putin intends to lay siege to Kyiv.

Every move he's making, and has made, signals that intent.

He intends to kill every living soul there until or unless Zelenskyy surrenders.  And I doubt he'll surrender.  That means Putin will bomb the sh*t out of Kyiv until it's rubble.

If he does, it may well signal the beginning of the end of the world.  Because we cannot, and simply WILL not, permit Putin or anyone to starve Kyiv into submission, we'll be forced to intervene.  NATO will be forced to intervene.  At a time when it's less to our advantage.  At a time when we could have, and should have, intervened.

Can't our "leaders" look two weeks into the future, when the Ukrainians have already told us they'd be out of food and fuel and medicine, and know that we'll have to intervene?

But anyone with any sense already knows that.  Sorry...

It'll be less to our advantage...the world's advantage...than it was when the Poles offered up their Mig-29's to Ukraine, if we'd just let them fly them to Ramstein Air Base, in Germany, they said.  Sort of like the Poles washing their hands in public.  Shifting blame to us, if we'd just take it.  

We should have taken it.  We're supposed to be the Leader of the Free World.  Supposed to be...

Our boy wonder Secretary of State Tony Blinken initially said sure, absolutely, we'd be happy to take them, how about right now?  And then, good ol' Joe wimped out.  It was reported he felt that might prove "escalatory."  Where do they get these friggin' words, anyhow?  

Of course, state-of-the-art Javelin missiles, and Patriot rocket systems...aren't.  Somehow.  These deadly rockets kill pilots, and Mig's kill pilots, they sort of both kill pilots, so...  

Do these folks have sh*t for brains, or what?

We're either going to help the Ukrainians fight and win their own war, RIGHT NOW, or we're going to have to engage our NATO brethren in putting together a "sky bridge" like we did for post-WW 2 Berlin, later.  To bring them the food and fuel and medicine and ammunition they're going to need to survive.  Which would require we put our airplanes in Ukrainian skies, parachuting supplies 'til the skies darken.  Skies currently patrolled by Russkie jets.  So, we'd just HAVE to protect our cargo planes with attack fighters, right?  RIGHT?  Which just might put them into a fight - or flight - scenario, right?  And cause the very same World War we're working so hard to currently avoid.

Do we have sh*t for brains, or what?

I'm not absolutely sure, but I'm guessing there's about 20 million older folks like me who are so goddam pissed they are ready to puke.  Pissed at the way the bozos in Swampland wimp out.  It shouldn't be left up to a dictating despotic killer like Putin, or anyone else, to dictate to us, the United Friggin' States of America!  Don't they remember when the USSR's Stalin starved more than four million Ukrainians to death?  Don't they remember when we won two World Wars?  They are a bunch of pus*ies!!!

The moral of the story is, if a fight is inevitable, it's almost always preferable to fight it now, versus later.  When your enemy will have time to better arm, and better prepare.  Sun Tzu again.  The "Art of War."  Might be nice of our "leaders" in the Swamp would read it.  I have.  A word to wise should be sufficient...

Of Note:  I used to be stationed near there, and actually trusted to do some of that "military intelligence" stuff you read about...   

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