Thursday, June 11, 2020

"You Let a Camel Get His Nose Under the Tent..."

The so-called "MainStreamMedia" has been telling you there's an epidemic of Blacks being killed by White cops.  They call it "systemic racism."  Joe Biden calls it "systematic racism."  But of course he does...

Lost Angeles' dimbulb mayor Garcetti says, "Systemic racism is racism built into systems."  Hmmmmmm...

They're lying, and beclowning themselves.  Again.  That's what they do.

The facts:*

     -  There were 1,004 fatal police shootings all across America last year.

     -  In the overwhelming majority of cases, the individual shot by the police was armed.

     -  Of those, 371 of the deceased where White, and 236 were Black.

     -  There were only 10 cases in which an unarmed Black man was shot by an officer.

     -  In most of those cases, the officers were physically attacked.

     -  Two officers were prosecuted.

     -  In 2018 more than 7,400 Black Americans were murdered on the streets.  That means for every unarmed Black person shot to death by a police officer, more than 700 were murdered by someone else.  And that "someone else" is almost always Black.

     -  And finally, there's been a 60% reduction in police shootings between 2015 and 2019.*  

And, oh yeah, there were 90 people shot in Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend, and 18 of them were killed.  That was the very highest rate of carnage in Chicago in more than 60 years.  They were all Black.  It is believed that those who shot them were all Black.  Where is the outrage?  Where are the protests?  I guess only Blacks killed by White cops qualifies for outrage these days...  

Does this sound like there's a epidemic of White cops shooting innocent Black men?  

Yet, the "Black Lives Matter" movement has inserted itself right smack into the middle of this entire situation.  In fact, one could reasonably state that the BLM movement actually caused this situation.  A few rogue cops kill a Black guy...and immediately we must burn down America, and then loot all its stores, and defund and eliminate the police.  In other words, nearly 800,000 American cops are being judged for the actions of a very few.  Does that sound fair?

It does if you're a Marxist revolutionary bent upon carnage and disruption.  It does if you're pissed at the current system and you're dead-set on tearing it down.   

Annnnd, in order to put things right, and make up for centuries of injustice, the BLM folks have a screaming need to be elevated into a position of superiority in order to achieve equality.  In other words, you can't say "All Lives Matter" any more, because somehow that's "racist."  Somehow that demeans their entire effort.  Saying that "All Lives Matter" means you're "tone deaf," or so they say.  You must say "Black Lives Matter."  Only.  Because, ummm, you just must.  Because they say so.  Because they have weaponized the dictionary.  

Superiority, get it?  

Doubt me?  They're forcing their sycophants to bow down to them.  To apologize for their "White privilege."  To kiss their feet!  There's even a piece today on cops washing the feet of BLM leaders.  Washing the feet!  Do they think they're Jesus?  Or the Pope?  Or do the Social Justice Warriors on their knees believe that they are?  

The (Black) mayor of the District of Columbia just showed Trump her ass by having her minions paint "Black Lives Matter" in bright yellow on the streets of a plaza right next to the White House in letters large enough to be viewed from the International Space Station.  Boy, that oughta' show him!  Even the entire Democrat Black Caucus (is there a Democrat White Caucus?) kneeled on the floor of the Capitol Building this week for 8+ minutes, begging for absolution from our Black friends.  It was painful to watch.  It was also painful upon the knees, as San Fran Nan Pelosi had to be helped to her feet.  These same "leaders" excoriated Trump for holding a photo op at St. John's Church.  And then they proceeded to hold a photo op in the Capitol Building.  

The pandering was so obviously on steroids that everyone knew it...and seemingly no one cared.  And now the BLM website states that their singular goal is to defund our police, nationwide, and eliminate them.  Entirely.


So here's my take on this whole thing.  The biggest American cities are all run by Democrats.  So much so that you couldn't find a Republican anywhere nearby.  Minnneeeappallus, as an example, hasn't had a Republican mayor in more than 60 years!  And many of these same cities are dependent on their Black citizens for their continued reelection.  And so they pander to that "identity group" in any way they can.  And until those folks finally understand they're being played like a violin, this will not stop.

600 New York City cops have already indicated their intent to file for early retirement.  1,400 Lost Angeles City cops have done the same.  Consider that there are currently less than 9,000 L.A. cops, and as many as 20% are out on sick leave, and you get an idea how immediately losing 15% of them could impact street policing.   

Until then, I know that I'll be keeping my guns cleaned and my powder dry.  And so will another 100+ Million other gun-owning Americans who will not be abused by a small group of Marxist revolutionaries.  Think Dodge City in the old west.  No law, but lots and lots of armed militias beholden only to those willing to pay.  And those least able to pay are the ones the Democrats and the MSMedia and BLM are planning to abandon; to make targets.    

You'd better fix this problem, America, or lose it.  Famous 18th century French philosopher Alexis DeToqueville once opined that America could never be defeated from without.  Only from within.  It appears that effort is sincerely underway by those who hate America and want it destroyed.  Do something.  Our liberty is teetering on the edge...  

NEWS FLASH:  Marxist revolutionaries have taken over 7 blocks in downtown Seattle, Washington.  They have declared themselves to be sovereign, and have begun barricading their new "country."  An abandoned police station is their new headquarters.  They have declared a new nation within our nation.  And the police, at the Mayor's orders, are nowhere to be found.  

There's an old Arabic saying:  "You let a camel get his nose under the tent, pretty soon you have a camel in your tent..."  

*   Washington Post, June 8th (they did their best to hide the statistics)

**  Washington Post, again (although I doubt they were happy to report it).

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