Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Woke Folk Have Spoke...

"Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha' gonna do?
Whatcha' gonna do when there's
nobody left to come for you?"

Well folks, while you were "sheltering in place," waiting for that nasty Chinese Wuhan Killer Coronavirus to leave you and your neighborhood alone, it seems we've had a revolution.

Yes, a real-time, all-day, all-night, burn 'em down revolution.  So much so that the TV show "Cops" has been permanently cancelled.  It was due to premier its 33rd season a couple of weeks back, but no way Jose (with no derogatory implications for either Jose or any other member of the Hispanic race, or any other race for that matter, either foreign or domestic, here on Earth or on any other planet...not to exclude other galaxies, or their planets).  

It seems that watching "Cops" can harm you in some way or other.  Or cause you to want to, ummm, do or think something or other that might be, ummm, anti-social.  Orrrrrr, it might make you think that cops are pretty good folks and almost always do a very tough job very well.  Or something...

Can't have that, now can we?

But that's not even the biggest story!  The hit show "LivePD," the Number One show on all of cable TV, has just been cancelled!  And after all, this IS the cancel culture, right?  

So somehow or other watching cops on "LivePD" catch bad guys is bad.  Watching Black cops catch Black guys is bad.  Watching Black cops catch White guys is bad.  Watching White cops catch Black guys is bad.  Watching White cops catch White guys is bad.  For that's what's been happening on this TV show for the past three years.  Cops catching bad guys.  All day, all night.  And now I guess cops catching bad guys is...dare we say it?  RACIST!

But wait, there's more!  Looney Tunes has just relieved Porky Pig of his rifle.  He's been disarmed by a guy with a pen (proving once again that the pen is mightier than the sword!).  He can no longer hunt that "wascawwy wabbit."  I hear they're going to issue him a scythe.  A scythe!  He's going to hunt down a rabbit using an implement better suited to harvesting grain!  But hey, that's what Social Justice Warriors do deep in the bowels of some Hollywood studio:  they smoke a doobie and then come up with some inane dumbass stupid ridiculous answer to a question nobody's been asking.

It gets even better!  Now the pantywaist snowflake pukes at HBOMax have pulled "Gone With The Wind" from their streaming service. This, perhaps the greatest motion picture ever made, has been taken down from this channel's lineup because, ummmm, well, ummm, just because.  I'm told they might bring it back at some later time, but only with a group discussion trailer explaining to the prospective viewer that he/she/it is a racist for wanting to watch it.  And that he/she/it has their "white privilege" on display.  And that he/she/it should feel "shame" for having enslaved these people.  Even though they had nothing to do with enslaving anyone.  I mean, hello!  All they want to do is watch an award-winning movie, for God's sake!  Oscar Winner Hattie McDaniel, the very first "woman of color" (that means she's Black) to win a statue, will now be unavailable for anyone to see.  Isn't that...dare we say it?...RACISM!  Too bad. 

BTW, the Number One selling movie on Amazon right now is "Gone With The Wind."  Ordinary folks just trying to get in front of the mob, I'd say...

And it would be a shame to fail to mention famed NFL quarterback Drew Brees' recent kerfuffle.  He had the temerity to say that we should all stand and show our respect to the Flag when our National Anthem is played.  Imagine!  Being proud of your country is now so yesterday's news!  He was excoriated on social media by Black football players.  To think, Brees wants us to be patriotic Americans!  Hell no, sayeth the "protesters."  He had to walk  back his statement not once, not twice, not three times, but four separate, gut-wrenching times!  And he may not be through apologizing yet!  Poor ol' Drew!  Even though this guy has given more than $5 Million of his own money to local charities, he obviously never learned that bullies are never, ever satisfied with any room you give them.  They'll always want more.  And then more again.

Appeasement begets aggression.  Always.

BTW, I'll never watch the Saints again, or the NFL.  As a patriotic American, and Flag-loving veteran, I say screw them all.  But hey, that's just me. 

And just in case you thought it wouldn't happen, famous tax cheat Rev. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy at one of the very many funerals for George Floyd, during which he called upon the NFL to give poor ol' Colin Kaepernick his job back.  Hmmm.  Using a funeral to demand a private corporation give a has-been, multi-millionaire, whimpering socialist boil-on-the-butt of humanity his job back.  Alfonso Sharpton as a career counselor.  I do believe this is a first...

And then there's one I never even imagined we'd see.  A Black Oklahoma State star running back happened to see a photo of his coach Mike Gundy on a fishing trip, wearing an "OAN" t-shirt.  "OAN," if you don't know, happens to stand for "One America News."  It's a small San Diego news outlet that leans conservative.  One of the very, very few that does so.  But this full-ride, free education football player was so triggered by this open display of...the freedom of expression, that he stated he would not play any more OKU unless his coach apologized.  Which his wimpy, woosie, social justice warrior coach just did.  He said, and I quote, "I'm sorry for the pain and discomfort I've caused."  I hope you lose every future football game, Mr. Bundy.  You're a coward, and by being one, you invite such future rabid displays as a result.    

But not to be missed on my way out the digital door, "protesters" in Richmond, VA this week decided to take out their ire on a statue of Christopher Columbus.  They started by pulling it down, then spray painted it, then set it on fire, and then threw it in a nearby lake.  Couldn't they have blown it up, too?  Yup, good ol' Chris must have done something racist to these "protesters."  Must have pissed them off reeeeel good, I'm thinking!  Can't imagine what, but hey, they wouldn't have beat up an innocent statue, would they?

I wonder what's next?  What will be adjudged "racist" next week, or next month?  What statue will need to be torn down?  What movie or book will need to be censored?  Or banned entirely?  What building will need to be burned?  What uptown shop will need to be looted?  And what society will forever be harmed inevitably and incalculably and incurably because of the antics of these "protesters?" 

I believe it's time we all reread George Orwell's book "1984" right about now... 

Just remember, when the Taliban conquered Afghanistan, the very first thing they did was collect all the books and CDs and DVDs.  They collected them in piles and ran over them with D-9 Cat tractors.  They then poured bottle after bottle of seized alcohol on the pile and set them all on fire.  And then they took mortar shells and destroyed several ancient nearby 4,000 year-old monuments.  Does any of this now seem remotely familiar?  I guess that's next.  Destroying ancient monuments.  

Oh wait.  they're doing that now!  

And it gets even better.  The BLM gang are now demanding the removal of the Washington and Jefferson Monuments.  Perhaps they'll stop accepting American money because it displays portraits of dead White presidents.  Unless they steal it, of course.  As the saying goes, 

"Better buckle up.  It's going
to be a bumpy ride."  

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