Saturday, February 29, 2020

"Duh-bate," Part Deux...

Holy Crap!

I just watched the latest Democrat debate for POTUS 2020.  I'm sorry to say.  

To call it a TRAIN-WRECK is to unfairly shame trains.  

And wrecks.

To call it a FOOD FIGHT is to unfairly discredit food.  

And fighting.

To call it a WWE Wrestling Match is to unfairly disavow wrestling.  

And matches.  

It was truly mind-numbingly, Earth-shatteringly, skin-crawlingly awful, to be sure.  Everybody was screaming at each other, hands uplifted, waving for attention from the feckless moderators like kindergardeners, who'd lost complete control.  It was "Animal House" minus the animals.  In short, it was six aging wannabe POTUS-Es-es, and one who was manufactured in a laboratory in South Bend, who were each exuding from every pore the palpable fear of an impending loss.  And haranguing everyone within earshot for a win.  In front of the entire nation.  The memory of this event banged around in my aged brain like a BB in a boxcar for days.  

And days...  

In fact, I had to let some time pass before even attempting to memorialize my opinions using ones and zeros, lest I'd have a PTSD-style reaction.  And we do not want that.  No, no.  We do not want that.   

But the main reason for attempting to digitally-scribble this posting is that the debate caused me to come face to face with a stark reality:  

Joe Biden and I are almost the same age!

Upon realizing that Good Ol' Joe and I are, ummm, "up there," and what age has done to this crusty old professional politician, I felt the need to call some of my family and friends to ask if they thought I was beset by the same "difficulty" that has surely befallen Joe.  I wanted to know if I'd begun talking and acting like him, slurring my speech, interrupting myself, stuttering, having my train of thought derailed over and over.  I was sooooo hoping they'd say "NO."  And they did.  Thank God!  They reassured me that I'm in (more or less) full control of my mental faculties, or at least the ones they can witness.  I was reassured.  I feel soooo much better! 

But as for Joe, I fear there's no hope.  This fast-talking Delaware lawyer who won a Senate seat in the last century at the unheard of age of 29 is no more; his ship has sailed.  His horse has left the barn.  In fact, it's painful to watch him search for words and phrases to express himself, especially when under duress.  Like when he's asked complex questions in front of the TV cameras.  He just folds his tent.  And yet, a third of the Democrat Party wants this guy to carry the Nuclear Football.  To be in charge of America.  To negotiate with Iran.  To take over from The Donald and become President.  

What a hoot!

Biden recently stated that he was running for the United States Senate, and he asked the crowd "to be sure and look him over" before voting.  Yes, he really did.  

He stated that he'd gotten arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela in Soweto, South Africa, way back when.  Except that Mandela was in a prison on Robbins Island some 900 miles from Joe at the time.  And then he announced today that he wasn't really "arrested," just sort of detained for a few minutes.  That's more or less the same thing, right?  You'll have to decide...

He said in the debate that guns have killed more than 150 million Americans, or about half the population, since 2007.  And that on "day one" he'd issue an Executive Order banning all "assault weapons," and "semi-automatic" guns (that's 74% of all American weapons available on the market), and those awful magazines that hold more than 10 "clips."  It might be nice if one of his highly-paid minions would actually school him on guns a bit so he stops making a fool of himself.  Like I said, painful to watch.


And just yesterday he told an almost entirely Black audience that he'll "appoint" a Black woman to the Senate if he's elected.  Uhhh, yeah.  I guess he's unaware about that whole "election" thing would-be senators engage in.  Like he did six times...

And later today (he's just a bottomless pit of gaffes!) he bragged that he'd "become a teacher, a professor" after leaving the V.P. office in 2017.  Yes, he was appointed to a ceremonial chair by the Univ. of Pennsylvania, but was never expected to teach a class, nor did he ever.  

Hmmmmm, again.

In short, whatever Joe says is provably wrong, and usually delivered all garbled up, as if he has a mouth full of marbles.  Yet, he has numerous followers, each of him would prefer to have him in the Oval Office to The Donald.  And so would I, if it were a choice between him and a socialist.  Simply stated, I'd prefer an aging octogenarian with dementia to an aging commie without it.  I fear the latter would do far more damage to America than an old guy wandering around the Rose Garden, trying his best to remember all the wonderful things he'd done in his storied career.  

So here's a Party that hates White People, and Rich People, and Old People, getting ready to anoint a White, Rich, old person.  By the end of 2020 there will be no more Democrat Party.  It will devolve into a "Balkanized" amalgamation of its previous iteration, all fractionalized into little competing "tribes," each warring with the others.  Sort of like you see when watching England's Parliament in action; just yelling and screaming and shouting, with nothing getting accomplished.  

Look at what the House of Representatives, under complete Democrat control, has accomplished over the past two years if you doubt me...

And yet, with all this happening, it just might be that the net result come November is that the Republicans under Trump, potentially with the Full Monty of the House, the Senate and the White House, once again, start finally kicking arse and taking names.  

One can only hope...

(UPDATE:  Joe just stated today that he hoped he wins "big" in "New North South Carolina."  Ummmm, yeah.  I guess I'll just stop now...)   


  1. Bill Handel reported this morn that Berry thinks anyone who makes over $60,000 is a billionaire. Bill is no fan of Trump and no fan of any Dem running. Don't know what he is going to do....could hear frustration and scary thoughts about how trillions of dollars they all want to spend.

  2. None of the candidates for POTUS are without negatives. Some more serious than others. But what I'd suggest is you look at what the candidate has DONE, not what they're telling you they'd do. You can witness what Trump has done, even in spite of the plethora of pitfalls placed in his path by Democrats. Tell Bill if that's not enough, pick somebody else. But it's looking like that "somebody else" is not a pick most of us would want. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog, and for commenting. Not enough do...


The Chuckmeister welcomes comments. After I check them out, of course. Comment away!