Tuesday, February 25, 2020

America's Foremost Underachiever...

Is America a Great Country, or what?

Just imagine, only in America can a socialist underachiever like Bernie Sanders run for his Party's nomination for President, and threaten to win it!  Of course, it isn't his Party (he's a committed, dedicated socialist), so there's that.

And there's little chance the Democrats will permit Bernie to actually WIN that nomination, given that they're Democrats and he's not.  And that he's bound and determined to disassemble their Party once elected and then remake it in the mold of the Soviet Union he loved so much.  He's said so.  They believe him.  So there's also that...

Ahhh, Bernie.  Here's a guy who was born a middle-class Jew in Brooklyn.  He got a full ride to the U. of Chicago back when it was owned and operated by socialists (remember Obama buddies and domestic terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn were professors there!).  I think it still is.  

He then returned to Vermont and tried to earn a living as a part-time carpenter and an author of rape fantasies (!).  Google it if you doubt me.  

He got married and honeymooned in the Soviet Union.  He's on video back then in one of their pubs, sloshing back the wodka, and proclaiming their communist system mucho superior to our own.  He then moved his wife into his dirt floor shack, with no electricity, or running water (true!).  She grew tired of that "lifestyle" and left him for greener pastures.  And almost any pastures were greener.

Bernie didn't earn his first full-time weekly paycheck until he was elected Mayor of Burlington, Vermont at the age of 53.  From there he ran for and was elected a U. S. Representative in 1990.  He served in that capacity for 16 years before running for the Senate and winning back in 2006.  He's been a Senator for 16 years.  And I'm sure you're interested in learning all about his many accomplishments at having supped at the public trough for lo, these nearly 30 years.  Here they are:  He's successfully sponsored legislation to name two post offices.  That's it...

So I would offer up that Bernie is America's Foremost Underachiever.  78 years old, committed socialist, 30 years in office, $Millions in the bank, 3 houses, 1 Audi R8 $150,000 sports car, loves Cuba and two post offices.  Just about sums it up...

So now he's running for POTUS for the second time.  There's no doubt that the Democrat National Committee, then under the control of Hillary loyalists, royally screwed him out of the nomination back in 2016.  But he's persevered and has brought his "Bernie Bro's" back for Round Two.  And, having won three early primary contests soundly, it's apparent he's the Democrat Party's front-runner.  Oh, they've tried to foil him again, but so far he's outsmarted them.  Or, they've just screwed up royally.  And if you have to ask why the Democrat National Committee is running scared from a Bernie nomination, consider this: he'll destroy the Dem Party and remake it in the Soviet image.  That's not an opinion.  It's his promise...

So the days of a historically center-Left Party, the Democrats, battling furiously with a center-Right Party, the Republicans, are over.  Definitely OVER!  We now have a Republican Party that mirrors the populist predelections of previously-Democrat The Donald, and a Democrat Party that mirrors the populist, redistributionist, collectivist, authoritarian predelections of a committed socialist.  Think Cuba, if you need an example.

And as he just said, Cuba was terrific because Castro taught his people how to read.  Of course, he was killing them wholesale, but at least they could read...  

So political junkies like me are salivating at what could happen next: I predict that the Dem candidates arrive in Milwaukee with none having a majority of the delegates.  Their nominating process almost guarantees that.  

And then on the second ballot the Super Delegates will raise their ugly heads.  Yes, the Super Delegates are back.  And I predict that they'll vote for either Bernie's most predominant competitor at that moment, or look outside for a nominee they think can beat The Donald.  And I predict you'll see Hillary Clinton stick her face into the mess and try to wrest the nomination out of Bernie's commie grasp.

Oh, Lordy!  

Join with me, fellow Patriots, in hoping for such engaging (and free) television entertainment...


(Update:  Since posting this soon-to-be award-winning gift to enlightened Americans everywhere, I just learned that Sen. Sander's plans to remake our Great Country will cost us a whopping $97 Trillion Dollars over ten years.  Now, it should be considered that the sum total of all the wealth in America, including all cash, real estate, precious metals, jewelry, yachts, paintings, fancy cars and zoomie little private jet planes, is...ready for it?...$98 Trillion Dollars.  I guess after having all of the wealth in America confiscated by the New Democrat Socialist Party by then, it would leave Sanders $1 Trillion left over to pay for some other sorely needed welfare program...)

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