Sunday, February 12, 2023

For the Benefit of the Majority?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this Country supposed to run for the benefit of the majority?  You know, like significantly more than half? 

I know it used to be that way, and the Constitution was written that way, but now I'm not so sure.  It seems that "special interest groups" are receiving far more attention from our various governments then they are due.  You know, gays, and transgenders, and albinos, and dwarves, and the Romas, and any other group with a hard-on for society because it got screwed somehow by something or somebody.

Or didn't get screwed but wanted to.  Whatever.

We used to take care of that small percentage among us who needed special care.  Whether due to their age, or health, or infirmity, or how they self-identified.  For the 3% or 5% or 8% or whatever "%" of us who needed some special attention.  Some of our tax money.  Or maybe some mental health care.  Or maybe just a warm hug, a glass of warm milk and an ear to listen.  Like it's always been.

Not for members of minority races, mind you.  Or religions.  They should not be "special interests" by definition. They are full-fledged members of that already special society known as the "United States of America."  And to be born an American is to have already hit the population lottery, whether your particular race is in the majority or minority  Since less than 5% of the Earth's population can make that claim, those of us so blessed should get on our knees and thank our particular God.  


Yet, while the special interests are bitching and moaning about how America has mistreated them, all those born elsewhere seem to want to be here, live HERE, as evidenced by the flood of humanity crossing our borders daily.  7,100,000 so far since this Administration was immaculated, not counting more than 1,100,000 "gotaways."  More illegal aliens permitted in, nay WELCOMED in, than the population of New York City and Houston, put together.

That's what we call a dichotomy.  The ones who are already here want to dismantle it, and the ones who aren't here want to embrace it.  Like I said, a dichotomy...

But now all these disparate groups have been banded together into a collective to increase their political clout.  These groups are now collectively known as "LGBTQIA2S++,"* and its representatives seek to beat us over the head with their individual complaints about how we, you and I, the taxpayer, has either persecuted them, or prosecuted them, or abandoned them.  Or all three.    

Or worse yet, how our ancestors may have mistreated their ancestors.  And how we owe them some more of our tax money to make that psychic hurt go away.  To salve the existential wound.  A lot more!

That's "generational guilt" they're laying on us, and it's beyond acceptable.

And BTW, one "+" isn't enough?  You have to have two?  Two "+?'s"  To their leaders, whomever they may be:  Do you even know what they stand for?  Are you just adding a couple of "+'s" to cover the next aggrieved outfit that next rings your doorbell and wants to be let in on your scam?

They, the Democrat Party, their "Legacy Media" communications arm, and their sycophantic legions of "Progressive" perpetual whiners are trying to make you and me, the majority, feel like we owe them something.  Something more.  On top of the $Trillions already expended.

We don't.

Remember Lyndon Baines Johnson's "Great Society Program?"  The one that funneled more than $6,000,000,000,000 (that's Trillion, folks!) to the Black community over a period of three decades.  We gave them 5 full extra points on their civil service exams to help right the wrongs of the previous generations.  We say our kids fail to attain grants and scholarships that went to lesser qualified kids, simply because of their color.  

And now they're actually trying to convince our kids that the "1619 Project" was our real history and Lincoln didn't really want to free the slaves.  That our history didn't actually begin as a Nation until a Black foot sat foot on America soil.  And that we, the evil White portion of America, somehow owes them "reparations" because a bare few of our great-great-great-great-grandfathers may have done their ancestors wrong (what percentage owned plantations again?).  Or stood by and watched it occur.  Either or, no matter.  Gimme' some of your money and we'll think about forgiving you.  Or not... 

The Rev's Jessie Jackson and Alfonso Sharpton approach.  Made them $Millionaires.  Hopefully made some rich White folk feel better about themselves... 

The America I grew up in?  With apologies to Yoda, up with this crap we would not put.  Except they are seemingly unaware that those who reside between the Hudson River and the Sierra Nevada not only don't like them or trust them, they don't support their policies.  We must face it; our self-appointed overlords just don't care that half the Country despises them, and intends to impose their will anyway.

Our Nation is cruising for a bruising, as we used to say.  Until or unless we return to the good old days of managing America for the benefit of its majority, and soon, an uprising of that same majority might well occur.  And soon.  And even though Joe O'Biden tells us over and over again that it would take an F-16 for us rubes to confront our Government, I'm of the opinion that 100,000,000 Americans who own more than 490,000,000 firearms would give it a good shot.  

Pun intented...

*   I think I know what most of that means.  How about you?

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