Monday, April 11, 2022

8 Justices, and an *Asterisk...

Miss me?

Yeah, I took a couple of well-deserved days off from gathering and sifting and reporting the news.  Just absorbing it all as it washes over me like so much flotsam and jetsam.  

Like a mini-Drudge.

His staff of thousands sifts through thousands of stories from around the world each day, and settles on 100 or so to feature on its much-visited website.  I, on the other hand, sift through the hundred or so stories each day and settle upon one I believe worthy of further investigation.  And then, perhaps, reportage to my tens and tens of Patriot readers.  And the story I'm featuring today seems to meet that criteria.  I trust you'll agree...

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I hope you'll join me in congratulating our newest Supreme Court Justice-to-Be.  This one was chosen not for his or her judicial temperament, and legal acumen, and studied pleadings and decisions over decades of legal practice.  No, none of those things.  Our newest Justice-in-Waiting was chosen for the number of her chromosomes and the quantity of her melatonin.

POTUS Joe O'Biden promised all of us while he was on the campaign trail that if we'd just elect him, he'd be sure to nominate a Black female to be our next member of the SCOTUS.  And this promise, I'm sorry to say, is among the  very few he's kept.  His handlers looked high and low and found the person with the right number of chromosomes and the Blackness of skin to qualify; Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

(BTW, what's with these women who choose to keep their maiden name, without even the benefit of a hyphen?  Do they think the marriage might not work out?  And they might have to go back to their maiden name?  She married Constitutional lawyer Pat Jackson back in 1996.  Seems like it's working out just fine.  Bunch of kids and all that.  When is it time to go ahead and just go with "Jackson?") 

I keep thinking of my own situation.  What if my wife had chosen to become "woke" like these "touched" folks?  Can you see the name tag?  Elaine Adele Fabiszewski Cassity, R.N.  It would have wrapped around under her armpit...

Anyway, back to my subject for today.  "KBJ," we'll call her, along with everybody else, was chosen not just for her sex and color primarily, but only!  Solely!  Singularly!  So, I hope it works out for her, having received only Democrat and 3 RINO votes.  But I predict she'll always have an "asterisk" next to her name.  And to her decisions.  She'll be our first Justice chosen by a political Party with the goal of turning the Supreme Court into a "Super Legislature."  A third body of Government.  One they hope to someday control.  We already know they've discovered their "woke" policies don't fly with the voters, so they try and use the courts to legislate.  So replacing a reliable Liberal vote with a raging "woke" Liberal vote on the Big Court will prove to be the template for all future selections. 

Let's see; the next Republican appointee might just be a Caucasian, Texan, thrice-divorced, recovering alcoholic cattle rancher, oil driller and Cadillac dealer, who thinks "Climate Change" is so much crap, that we should heap money on our military, and teaching six year-olds they can choose their sex is ridiculous.  And ought to be illegal.  How would that work out for them, I wonder?   

So, in conclusion, might I remind the O'Biden Administration that I, The Chuckmeister, have already stated that I proudly identify as both Black, and gay.  And just in case we ever have a Gypsy President, and he states we need to have Justices that "look like America," I shall also identify as Gypsy.  But I forgot to also mention that I also identify as transgender, especially when it benefits me politically.  

Annnnnd, did you know the Constitution specifically states you don't have to be a lawyer to be a Supreme Court Justice!  I guess our Founding Fathers didn't trust lawyers even way back then!  Did you hear that Joe?  So, Mr. Joe, I'm your picture postcard next Justice.  Please pick me.  If Mitch McConnell and the Gang ever decide answer another of your phone calls, that is...

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